Right Now
…you are not the person you need to be for the success you want.
Is what it is.
If you were going to magically fix that on your own, you would have already.
Up until now… the way you think, believe, and show up is not getting you to the level of success,
happiness, and FUN that you long for.
When you REALLY go for it…
When you push that line to go ALL IN and really go for your dreams..
When you truly show up
When you start doing it UNTIL… You will be messy AF.
Because you’re doing all new things. You won’t do it right. You won’t get it perfect.
You will make big mistakes and small mistakes.
You will let people in your life that never deserved to be there.
You will regret things.
And None of It Will Matter
When you feel the pain and tension of failing, stretching, going all in, frustration, fear, anger…
and you choose to feel it and let it go…
You Will Get Stonger
Every fkg time you will get stronger.
When you avoid going into the arena and feeling the feels… you weaken.
You don’t stay the same… you weaken.
It’s only in the UNKNOWN that you’re going to be able to find yourself.
It’s only in the unknown where you will accomplish shit people think is impossible.
Your mental fortitude, bravery, skills, & abilities are not going to grow unless you allow yourself to go into the space of resistance.
This is what you will learn in
4 weeks of learning to:
Feel the emotions Release the resistance and let it all strengthen you.
This is a journey of FREEDOM.
Of shaking off the entitlement, fear, and rules that are limiting you from your growth.
This is a choice to ENTER INTO THE ARENA
where we tell the fkg truth to ourselves and let ourselves STRENGTHEN and evolve to the person it takes to create our dream life.
This is a decision to OPT INTO the life of freedom.. without ENTITLEMENT.
If we took all the money in the world, and distributed it evenly to all people… within ONE MONTH the wealthy would all be wealthy again, and the poor would be poor again.
This is because it’s WHO THEY ARE that creates success, impact, wealth, joy freedom, and FUN. It’s not a circumstance… and UNTIL you decide to enter the arena and do the work to grow, you will not BECOME HER.
You will simply weaken over time.
This Group is For:
The ones who are surrounded by people that drain them, make them feel like they can’t do it…
Know what they need to do but can’t get themselves to do it.
Feel guilty for wanting things – maybe haven’t truly been honest about what they do want… it feels too big, too much… too afraid of becoming a bad or self-absorbed person… leaving others behind.
Scared to check-in fully with themselves about the things they are unhappy about… afraid it will blow up their life.
Know they have a power inside.. a fire that they haven’t fully tapped into.
Are ready to SHOW THE FK UP – and go through the process of EVOLVING into the person it takes to create their dreams.
Are willing to support life long friends in the tribe doing the same hard EPIC rewarding work.
I will be covering things that I have learned from the greatest minds in our field… and the very things that have shifted me from a life of surviving to RIDICULOUS FREEDOM JOY AND FUN – and overflowing income rapidly.
You Ready?
Pay in Full
3 MONTHLY PAYMENTSHey Everyone, Today’s session with Mandy was so epic. I had so many shifts through the session. During this month of evolve I am evolving into an International Platinum Artist. Wow that’s still hard to say. Today I made a decision that I am no longer available for no sales of my album. I am calling in the vision….
When I signed up for this I was scared that I wouldn’t evolve. I was afraid I’d stay stuck in the same patterns and beliefs. I knew making money wasn’t how I’d shift, it’s all the mental. I needed help calling my ass to more and seeing how what I want is easy and mine for the taking. My biggest breakthrough was realizing it’s ok to be where I’m at. It’s ok and expected that those around me outside of the group don’t get what I’m going through – how could they? I can’t grow and shift if I tell my worries to people who exaggerate them. That’s ridiculous. I have to uplevel those around me as I grow and change and that’s ok. Also, I have to know what I want. Da!!! I can’t get what I want if I’m not 100% certain of what it is. I loved this program because it was honest, no judgment, truth-telling. We speak our truth here and get called to more when it needs to be. This was a space to get vulnerable and practice being our authentic selves and practice putting our real wants and needs into the world. Thanks Mandy, it’s been an evolution for sure. I’m redoing my workbooks now and see how much clearer my want is. $2500/week now through end of february and I want my monthly total to double each month all of 2019. That means putting my vision out there, showing up, making bold requests and owning up to what I value and want my life to look like. Thanks for the clarity
Ok…. I danced around , let go of limiting energy, turned my music up, went into my call with my authentic self…… created a 5 month VIP client. Even higher investment!!!
My Update/ Wins/Celebrations… I feel like I’ve had a series of MASSIVE transformations. It is year end, I’m in ACA, BEING, and looking at how I want to show up in my business, and my life. All of these downloads have come over this full moon, In all of this flurry I’m SO grateful to be alive BEING full me and my authentic self, creating what brings me joy! #Hallelujah #feelssogood #watchmegrow #hello2022
I love this! I’m learning so much…thank you
my favorite part of this chapter in my story, I hired my dream coach, Mandy Perry!!!! It all began with saying a big “HELL YES” to her new “Monetize Your Journey/$500k Year” Program. I had no clue what I was getting myself into, but all I can say is, WOW!!!! When I enrolled, I got access to 30 of her most powerful programs AND a live group program for Q&A!!!!!! Within just a few weeks of working with her in this particular program, I made such massive moves in my life/business that I became one of Mandy’s DIAMOND MASTERMIND clients!!!!! This has been my dream for 3 years!!!!! The amount of value in her MYJ/$500k Year has helped me beyond what I imagined. All the programs I have drooled over for the last 3 years are literally at my fingertips! I am not writing this as a brag on my accomplishments, but as a brag on HERS! The amount of value that she is offering still kinda blows my mind, if I am honest. She is literally showing you how she went from welfare to a million-dollar company!!!! If you are struggling to push into full time coaching or are at a stuck point in your business, I can’t even begin to tell you how this could change your world!
Q: How do I reach you if I have questions?
** You may reach us at support@mandyperry.com for any questions you have about this program, logging into the Member Center, or any technical questions.
Q: Where can I access the trainings for this program?
** For live programs, all content is first dropped into the exclusive Facebook group for the program, and then added to the membership area of the website. It is also emailed to you.
** For self-study, pre-recorded programs, the content is always in the membership area of the site, where you may access it forever and can revisit any training you want, at any time.
I obviously do not guarantee specific results. I know what is available for you if you are ready to show up. I have watched hundreds of coaches get results from this work, but you are required to do the work and actually participate actively in the program. I don’t guarantee increased income. Results may not be typical of all students.