Unleash.  Your.  True.  Genius.  

& shift into CREATOR MODE now.

 I’m so glad you found your way here <3
Let me see if I’ve got this right? 

You know you can create 100x more powerful results, but things feel like chaos.

It’s like there is always a new thing you MUST learn.
“Who’s to know that this one thing isn’t THE thing that will help me finally breakthrough?” 

You desire to be in your GENIUS CREATOR, instead of spending all of your time as the student and consuming everyone else’s stuff… but time seems to keep passing without that happening.  

You see these women online who are killing it, showcasing their numbers and books and sexy bodies and you die a little inside. 

You don’t want to be jealous but you shut down a little as this feels so out of reach.. I mean, you KNOW you could… if you would just be focused and consistent. 

If you just had the right help…


You buy courses & programs and never finish them, or when you do you race through to get it done. 

You hire the humans but never truly organize them in a way that feels savvy. 

You have all of these million dollar ideas, but so many go unacted upon. 

And it hurts.
It’s so fk frustrating.
You just want to DO BETTER.
But the chaos is loud.
The task list is long.
You don’t know how to get yourself to just be CLEAR. DECISIVE. & CONSISTENT without losing the freedom and magic.



I went through a season of this after massive success.
Maybe it was complacency.
Maybe it was the post divorce exhale.
Maybe it was entitlement and ego.
Who knows.
I really don’t care why I did it. I did it.
And I had to walk myself through the chaos and get back into CREATOR MODE. 

I was at consistent $60k months, and over the year of creating on the side, I dwindled down to $20k months! (doh)
The same amount I made right out of the gate. Lol #humbling

And it was hard… my bills were $45k at the time.

This wasn’t funny. It almost took me out.
I lost my Genius Creator and I almost lost my company.
This was a long journey of one foot in-front of the other. 




I figured out what I am about to teach you in this course.. and then had my first $81k month. 


This is 100% learnable. 

This isn’t for select focused humans, this is for anyone who will show the fk up and do the work to rewire the brain to get on board with SOUL. 

This is for anyone who is willing to outgrow the ego enough to FEEL worthy to be the CREATOR NOW.

Write the things
Speak the things
Create offers
Be in your creative genius magic
Capture the brilliance
Create the LEGS for your genius #geniusonlegs

What is going to happen in a year if you keep squirreling, showing up at 60%? 

What will your income be if you keep procrastinating on being the CREATOR? 

What will it FEEL like to wake up in this chaotic state for another year? 

How will your body look? Your skin?
What will your relationships be like?

This isn’t just about $


… this is about letting your SOUL breathe. 


Letting the world truly heal through you. 

CHOOSING the VERY best life has to offer!!
Time freedom.
Financial freedom.
Engaged followers.
Deep meaningful relationships.
A sense of accomplishment.
Peace of mind.
Bad ass habits that create results. 

Steady. Focused. Creation.


You ready?




We will begin on Feb 9th
This is a 21 day course run LIVE in a FB group

You will have lifetime access to the recordings in your membership area.

It is a mixture of FB Lives, Audios, Workbooks and a ZOOM call together. (I create this for all different teaching styles) 




How to truly live in creator energy.

What to do to stop squirreling out.  

How to give 100% without losing your freedom.

How to LIVE in the magic, chaotic artist energy and STILL follow through, powerful in your word. The responsible magic human.

How to finally show up at 100%

What to create & How to create it

How to SAY things in a way that MOVE people.

How to know what to learn, and what to create. (THIS IS HUGE***)

How to hone your genius and get the CREATOR ideas flowing

How to capture and follow through with the ideas (surefire way) 

We will also have LIVE Q&A’s
Every question is answered. Period. 

There is nothing you will not get in this program to know how to BE the human that actually creates powerfully every day.



Bonus 1: Video- How to get clients NOW

Bonus 2: Video – How to get clear on your MESSAGING

Bonus 3: Video 7 Workbook – How to always have powerful things to say & write  





Here’s what comes to my heart…. What is possible if you actually were in your zone of genius, capturing and acting on your genius every day?

I mean, what is really possible?


I had NO IDEA that my courage would turn into a wildly successful global company but simply being a creator.
Not one clue.
But I’d have never known if I didn’t just fkg do it.
Do you have powerful ideas that you don’t act on?
Do you keep consuming a bunch of other people’s stuff without turning that off to be the genius creator?
Do you get distracted by sex, alcohol, tv, news, drama, food, books, cleaning… lol 

If you answered yes to any of these, the cost is high.
The standard is we are unwilling to pay that price. 

What’s $444 compared to the MAGIC that will happen when you are actually consistently being the CREATOR, backing your brilliance? 

That’s real.

I love you.
Mandy xx

Just after making the investment in working with Mandy, I am seeing expansion in all areas of my life. I am booking clients left and right and I am feeling like my services are valued and I am legitimizing my business.

Melissa Celikel


I’m currently celebrating going through the squeeze and embracing the new version of me, bringing awareness to the old and instilling the foundation of the new (me) to arrive.

Kimberly Radke


I just booked a 3 month speaking/teaching series here in my local community. My committment to no more fkg around, no more excuses. This is a year of growth and expansion. No more excuses.

Meegan Alofs Sciretto


Wowsa, another powerful one. Thank you Mandy!

Liberty Hoffer


There’s something to be said for how hard the subconscious works in the background, even though you’re not aware of it. I posted a post yesterday after listening to Day 10 and felt really deflated. Today, I went out to the shops to get some things – for context, I just moved to a new country – different language – on my own out in the middle of the ocean 2 weeks ago and it’s triggering a lot of social anxiety. The shops are 15 minutes away BUT the land here is mountainous, so that 15 minute walk is enough to have me wondering whether I’m about to have a heart attack… And on my way back, I found myself hearing Mandy saying “you did it” – because, to be honest, the past 2 weeks I’ve really felt small and incapable. And when I got home… I remembered the person I had once been who had been super strong and physically capable, who didn’t feel like she’d lost her entire day’s energy just from a walk… and I cried and said out loud that I don’t want to be this person any more. I have social anxiety because I no longer trust my body and my mind, and I don’t want to be that person anymore. I am physically weak because I stopped showing up for myself, and I don’t want to be that person anymore. When I worked out regularly, my body supported my needs and dreams, but with my lack of movement the last 4 years I lost that trust in myself and stopped showing up for me. After a few conversations with friends, I realised that my subconscious had likely been processing a lot of Day 10’s theme in the background – about self-trust and about choosing the next aligned step from that space. So, the version of me that trusts herself wants to move every day. Even if it’s just walking through the mountains of death, lol. But the only way for me to be able to handle those mountains and other things easily, is to learn to handle those mountains and other things on a regular basis. Love and trust are action verbs, and I can’t very well say that I love and trust myself if my actions show otherwise. Thank you for this, Mandy. This entire programme – and you – have been life changing. But I’ll admit: it’s because, as you said… I fucking did it. I showed up. I’m here because I chose to be.

Melissa de Blok


I just brought in two new clients in the last 24hrs and made $7300…… so that’s $12800 in 7 weeks. I’m so grateful to myself and to you x

Melisa Celikel


#replay appreciate your candid responses, your emotional honesty & your dedication so much, Mandy. I just got all high hearing you describe ‘magic’ – yesssaaa! Thank you for your description and sharing with us your trust

Laura Miner


I love this! I’m learning so much…thank you

Ruthie Zayas-Lisboa


My Update/ Wins/Celebrations… I feel like I’ve had a series of MASSIVE transformations. It is year end, I’m in ACA, BEING, and looking at how I want to show up in my business, and my life. All of these downloads have come over this full moon, In all of this flurry I’m SO grateful to be alive BEING full me and my authentic self, creating what brings me joy! #Hallelujah #feelssogood #watchmegrow #hello2022

Monika Adams


Remember, It was ALWAYS YOU.

Love you
Mandy xx



Q:  How do I reach you if I have questions?

** You may reach us at support@mandyperry.com for any questions you have about this program, logging into the Member Center, or any technical questions.

Q:  Where can I access the trainings for this program? 

** For live programs, all content is first dropped into the exclusive Facebook group for the program, and then added to the membership area of the website.  It is also emailed to you.

** For self-study, pre-recorded programs, the content is always in the membership area of the site, where you may access it forever and can revisit any training you want, at any time.  


I obviously do not guarantee specific results. I know what is available for you if you are ready to show up. I have watched hundreds of coaches get results from this work, but you are required to do the work and actually participate actively in the program. I don’t guarantee increased income. Results may not be typical of all students.