Online Business Mastery

Your dream life created by your DREAM BUSINESS.
More money, more joy, more FUN… NOW.


I am SO EXCITED to finally answer the call for HOW to do your online business!!!




I am literally going to be covering every single needle-moving piece of the online business with you in this program.


Most of you are doing WAY more than you need to be doing, and are not doing the NEEDLE MOVERS with excellence… and if you keep this up you will burn out, if you are not already feeling it coming on now.


The whole point of doing this business was to BE WILDLY OBSESSED WITH IT.
To be free to travel, be free of money worry, spend time with loved ones, make amazing new friends, and leave an impact on this planet… for THE BUSINESS to back your dreams.


BUT if you are being really honest with yourself… you’re not enjoying this as much as you thought you would…


Something inside of you is simply SCREAMING for this to be PASSIONATE, FUN, wild, adventurous… for you to be the leader you feel called to be… and to leave a BIGGER IMPACT on this world.




Instead of this feeling like OXYGEN and a HUGE BLESSING… your business feels like a burden. You see others doing better, you feel like you are chaotic, and you KNOW you are capable of SO much more.


You get stuck wanting it all to LOOK and BE amazing RIGHT NOW.. and you spend a lot of time trying to get it all to look as amazing as so and so’s (because if it can be done better, you simply must do it better)… meanwhile you really just want the income to triple, and you want to be floating on the private beach in Bali with a bunch of close friends as your kids play in the sand.


I remember this place… and I finally realized… if this was going to happen… if I was going to ACTUALLY have my dream life… I needed to STOP trying to look like Deepak Chopra, thinking that if I do it like THEM I will have success… and focus on the needle movers that actually brought about SUCCESS FOR MY DREAM BUSINESS.


And just like that $1.4MM in 3 short years from starting my business and my kids and I live in a beautiful home in the tropics, and I have never felt more happy, relaxed and expanded in my whole life. I have never had more fun in my whole life.


TRUTH TIME – How much longer do you plan on dragging out someone else’s version of a dream life?


It’s time to do this right.
It’s time to get clear what you want… tell the truth about it – and then BACK IT in a precise, SMART, savvy way.


You were born for this. EVERY deep longing inside is a compass showing you the life you are meant to grow into.






It’s a moment to admit to yourself and then the world what you are here to CLAIM & CREATE.


This is a moment to be BRAVE enough to let go of all the “it’s OK’ing” and create space for the “HELLL YESSSS’s” in life.




You wake up lit up and excited about your life and business


Creativity flows to new levels of GENIUS


Money breakthroughs happen in ways you can’t even imagine.


Clarity of mind and ease of heart happen.


You will wake up and pinch yourself that this is your life (BECAUSE you will have left behind creating a version of someone else’s and have truly created your own)


You will DRAW in others who are also in their power as you have stepped into yours.


You will be damn proud of who you have become. “I did it, I really did it.”


It’s time to let go of “shoulds” and CLAIM your DREAM business.
It’s time to stop doing all of the BS that never mattered and GRAB HOLD of the NEEDLE MOVERS


It’s time to release the story that this is hard…
THIS IS NOT HARD… waking up in the morning knowing you didn’t BACK YOUR DREAMS yesterday is HARD.


Feeling the ache of comparison.. like you are supposed to betray your own soul just to finally have the success you want is HARD.


It’s time to do this right.

It’s time to build your dream business in integrity.

It’s time to GO ALL THE WAY.

No more messiness.

No more hesitating.

No more justifications.


If you are READY… and your soul is saying YES, and you want to finally laser focus on EXECUTING the few things that will scale your dream life… then you are going to LOVE this…


ONLINE BUSINESS MASTERY is the program for you if you are committed to SCALING your business, making money FASTER, and living your TRUE AUTHENTIC DREAM LIFE through your business.


Here’s the journey we will go on:


Designing YOUR Dream Business –
This week we build a foundation to get REALLY clear how your business is an extension of you and your values.. and how to be sure you are designing your dream life through your business as we scale you in the coming weeks.


Your True Message –
We are going to season out your most powerful message tapping into your power to speak to your audience in a way that is a beacon for others in their power… who are ready to invest and do the work.


Blogging That Sells & is Authentically YOU –
How to create posts that feel like massive amounts of value for your audience but also SELL in a way that makes them feel loved. Also, how to utilize and repurpose the content on every platform.


The Art of Sales With HEART –
How to sell DAILY, and make money DAILY while loving your audience and making them feel super important and special.


Social Engagement & Tribe Building –
How to call in your dream clients, at the level you want, who do the work, invest and follow-through, and shout you from the rooftops. And how to build amazing engagement from your audience on all platforms. This is truly DOING LIFE TOGETHER with your tribe.


Enrollment for Low & High-End Offers –
How to powerfully sell high end in a loving way. that calls your audience to more.. and how to sell low end in a way that is inclusive for everyone.


How to Create & Sell GROUPS Online!
I am going to teach you how I come up with all of the ideas and walk you through every step of the process from bell to whistle of creating and selling my online groups. I will show you EVERYTHING in this training!


How to Master Your Social Platforms –
IG & IG Stories – How to build a following, get engagement, up-level the look of your IG & how to sell on IG

FB, FB Lives, FB Stories (groups, personal and business) How to have content for each, and what to post where & when.

YouTube – How to utilize FB and FB Lives to create a YouTube page with ease. How to sell from YouTube.


This isn’t about repeating some mantra… this is true deep alignment with Happiness, Joy, Fulfillment, and WEALTH. LIVING YOUR DREAM LIFE through your business isn’t a luxury – it is ESSENTIAL. Let’s do this!!


WE EXPAND the WINS and prep for the next level- yet again!!


It’s time to let the money FLOW in FASTER, so you can continue backing your dream life and creating a BUSINESS that is an extension of YOU in your power.






I know you will show up with HEART, ready to make your dreams reality.


What are you waiting for Beautiful?
How much longer are you going to let your business feel like a chore when it is and was always meant to be a HUGE source of JOY and EASE?


You get to have your dream life but YOU have to make the first move… you have to GO GET IT.


I’ve got you.





Creating a Sales Page on Your Website – WordPress (Divi & Non-Divi) + Squarespace

Finding Fonts & Installing in Canva – For use on your sales pages & social media

How to Create a Facebook Header Graphic in Canva

How to Use Screen Recording on a Mac

How to Capture Testimonials

How to Survey Your Clients

Using the FB Live Filter

Using the Message Me Link

Launch Strategy – A roadmap to launching your coaching business from the ground up

911 Check-In

Sales Page Copy That Sells & Builds Your Tribe


I get it. I also love you enough to talk to you like I would talk to one of my close POWERFUL friends…


“Girl… why are you planning to fail? If you plan to fail you will fail… what if this is THE MOMENT IT ALL BREAKS WIDE OPEN AND YOUR BUSINESS EXPLODES TO THE ETHER???

You cant be walking around questioning and doubting yourself and expect others to invest with you. YOU WERE BORN FOR THIS, now get your mind right.

YOU WILL LEARN LIMITLESSNESS…. what’s that worth to you? Now stop wasting your time and energy in indecision and BACK YOUR FRIGGIN DREAMSSSSSS.”


I’d then slap you on your ass and send you off to conquer.


What has been…. IS NOT ENOUGH.

You know it.

I know it…

It’s time to go deeper, untangle further, and ALLOW ABUNDANCE IN…



You have that burning desire inside because it is YOURS to have.

The shift is to DECIDE that you are unavailable for ANYTHING less than your dream life… and your DREAM BUSINESS.

YOU MUST OPT INTO THIS LIFE…. it does not just happen.
It comes from stepping INTO YOUR FULL POWER and owning your vision for your life.

It comes from laser focus on the needle movers and ditching the “normal” stuff everyone else is getting caught up in.

It comes from decisive BOLD moves.
It comes from DECIDING, through the fear… that you are unavailable to live ONE MORE DAY running a business that feels hard and takes you away from your true dream life.





 Each week you will not only receive recorded trainings and workbooks but you will also receive weekly LIVE Q&A with me on top of it.


 You will begin to feel and see the change inside of you from week 1 as you begin to calibrate to what is truly available for you in your business and life.


 Half way through you will be BEYOND excited about the shape of your new business. You will feel relief, excitement and gratitude that you decided to back yourself and believe you could truly have your dreams met.


 By the end of our journey you will have EMBODIED this new way of doing business – and you will feel the incredibly POWERFUL confidence that comes with a true soul aligned way of making money and leaving your impact on this world.

Move through overwhelm

Move through fear

Move through indecisiveness

Move through “guessing”

Move through resistance to the next level version of you.

I’ve got you!!

Hi friends! I’m a firm believer in honoring and celebrating your mentors, teachers and elders. They went first to pave a path that made it easier for us that choose to rise up to follow. I’ve been blessed to have invaluable support from amazing mentors I’ve invested in to help me become the version of myself I am today and continually strive to grow into greater excellence and mastery all the time. There are not enough words to describe Mandy Perry for all that she is and all she has done to help me grow, shed fear, celebrate success, own my worthiness and stretch me into my next level self. She told me once that #wearethesame and it brought tears to my eyes and I hold those words close to my heart everyday. Thank you, Mandy, for being such an inspiring and integral part of my growth and expansion. I admire, adore and love you SO much.

Amiee Boswinkle

I want to say a HUGE thank you to Mandy Perry! I’ve worked with you sooo much this year and am so grateful to have you in my life. I was afraid to join you for the Online Business Mastery program b/c I knew I hadn’t been showing up at 100% in the other programs. I kept thinking, “what if I just half-ass this like I did the others… What if I don’t make my money back… What if this what if that…” I knew it was different this time. Idk why but I just knew and I’m so happy and grateful I said yes. I have learned and implemented every single thing you’ve taught us and I can honestly say I’ve grown tremendously and am already seeing the return on this. I trusted myself when my heart said leap and my soul backed it. That’s what I’m instilling in my work now – heart and soul-centered alignment. When you know something is right for you you just know. There’s no way to explain it to others that makes logical sense lol there’s no answer anyone can give you except the one your heart and soul agree on. I think what’s stuck with me the most from this training is how easy it all gets to be. I don’t have to do all the BS stuff other programs tell you you ‘have’ to do to have successful business. It’s just like I tell my clients – if you can see the path in front of you it’s not yours to take, go create your own. Thank you for allowing me to be me, answering all my questions, and doing life with me. AND HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!

Rebecca Pfanner Branham

Watching the replay! This is gold!!!! Leaning into the next idea with all your heart and seeing it through.

Candace Brammer

Im celebrating my first paid client in my Mrs happy program!!!!

Kaitlin Sheridan


my favorite part of this chapter in my story, I hired my dream coach, Mandy Perry!!!! It all began with saying a big “HELL YES” to her new “Monetize Your Journey/$500k Year” Program. I had no clue what I was getting myself into, but all I can say is, WOW!!!! When I enrolled, I got access to 30 of her most powerful programs AND a live group program for Q&A!!!!!! Within just a few weeks of working with her in this particular program, I made such massive moves in my life/business that I became one of Mandy’s DIAMOND MASTERMIND clients!!!!! This has been my dream for 3 years!!!!! The amount of value in her MYJ/$500k Year has helped me beyond what I imagined. All the programs I have drooled over for the last 3 years are literally at my fingertips! I am not writing this as a brag on my accomplishments, but as a brag on HERS! The amount of value that she is offering still kinda blows my mind, if I am honest. She is literally showing you how she went from welfare to a million-dollar company!!!! If you are struggling to push into full time coaching or are at a stuck point in your business, I can’t even begin to tell you how this could change your world!

Kari DeWitt




Q:  How do I reach you if I have questions?

** You may reach us at for any questions you have about this program, logging into the Member Center, or any technical questions.

Q:  Where can I access the trainings for this program? 

** For live programs, all content is first dropped into the exclusive Facebook group for the program, and then added to the membership area of the website.  It is also emailed to you.

** For self-study, pre-recorded programs, the content is always in the membership area of the site, where you may access it forever and can revisit any training you want, at any time.  


I obviously do not guarantee specific results. I know what is available for you if you are ready to show up. I have watched hundreds of coaches get results from this work, but you are required to do the work and actually participate actively in the program. I don’t guarantee increased income. Results may not be typical of all students.