** This is a 21-day self-study program comprised of pre-recorded videos and downloadable study materials **



Most of the world believes that you cannot have it all.


You cannot have wealth, happiness, romance, health, deep connection, FUN, freedom…


It’s selfish to expect to have THAT much.


But the world’s law is based on the belief in SCARCITY… and they would ALL be incorrect.


Most people experience life.. never being fully satisfied.
They feel a bit empty and worried… and live each day trying to make this the day that they breakthrough with a sense of emptiness.


I’m often asked.. “Mandy, WHY is it like this? WHY do I feel this way? WHY isn’t it happening faster for me?”

WHY? Because NOTHING in the EXTERNAL will satisfy you the way you long to be satisfied.


You will search BUT NEVER FIND. 


We expect them to make us feel the way we LONG to feel… to BE who we long to be…. and when they don’t we are sad.



And we experience life feeling:


When we feel these things… nothing outside of you will fix it.




This is about doing the work to BE LOVE, TO BE ABUNDANCE, TO BE WEALTH, TO BE JOY….


and all of our ACTION is then an EXTENSION of this level of EXCELLENCE, power & integrity… which does nothing but EXPAND us. It CANNOT drain us.


This was always about evolving.
Being the human IN THEIR power… the one who WENT FIRST so that others have a path to follow in.


You cannot lead from a place of defeat.
You cannot create wealth from a place of hesitancy.


The Alpha Evolution is a process of becoming the person who creates limitless potential:


An Alpha is in her core power and therefor attracts those in their core power… in ALL areas of life. This is when you begin to have the experience of life where others show up and do their work around you. They invest, do the work and create powerful results themselves.


She trusts herself to handle any emotion and situation that comes her way as she creates her DREAMS.


She GOES first. She knows who she is here to serve, and what results she’s here to create and SHE STEPS FIRST knowing that it’s when she leads that the results are created.


She is seen as a leader because she takes consistent, BRAVE, imperfect action and creates powerful results that she can lead others to


She’s driven by a deep longing to ENJOY life, and serve those she loves.


She believes her ability to achieve is limitless.


She knows she is worthy of enjoying ALL life has to offer.


She honors her deep longings, uses them as a road map to her most powerful expression of life.


She has the kind of integrity that changes the world, and has a standard that all things in her life must contribute to her showing up this way.


Her standards are reflective of where she is going – not where she is.


She’s willing to do the work and BASKS in the rewards every step of the way.


She uses every heart beat to learn, expand, lead, teach, and ENJOY.


The journey is:

Developing the courage to take action on EVERY powerful idea and prompting you get.


Strengthening to the point that you no longer fear not being able to handle anything that may come your way.


Creating a core of pure heart that takes over when the going gets rough… when you are squeezed PURE WILL drives you.


Maturing the parts of you resisting the growth and expansion.


Knowing your worth is your worth simply because you exist. NO RULES, no JUSTIFICATIONS, no EXPLANATION necessary.


This is the work we are doing on this 21 day evolution.
This is journey of the leader.
This is the Alpha Evolution.


Raw.. Unfiltered.. Authentic.. Intentional.. Evolution.
21 Days – Limitless Expansion


This is THE MOST POWERFUL experience I have ever created and I am beyond excited to watch the massive transformation!!


Enjoy your 21-day journey!


Love you
Mandy xx

SO the course I’m in with my coach, the amazing Mandy Perry, supporting MY growth this month is called… THE ALPHA EVOLUTION! I am SO excited. We start today! Time to own it in every cell of my female body… my ALPHA! Me leading me FIRST! Shitty grinning while oh YESSSSSING! Feminine Power RISING! Hips moving cuz they ain’t lying, my body is all YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Having a coach is mothalovin LIFE! If I could speak to the me felling lost and powerless I would say Janet… you know better, get a coach, invest in yourself. Back yourself. Yea yea ther’s other ways to grow… It’s all good you know what’s best for you! And when you know what’s REALLY best for you is crazy mind blowing life transformation… nonstop all your life long cuz that’s how you roll you closet growth junkie you… you work with a badass coach who’s done the damn thang and her ENERGY seduces you there everyday until you’re living turned ON! Growth and evolution is your game. Get your coach PLAYER! Then a few months go by and you’re like WHAT?I was living like that? I was feeling like that? And you be like oh my Goddess I am so happy to be alive right NOW! The only reason I ever wanted to be a coach was because I experienced this the first time and said THAT’S what I wanna do!!! Getting to do it, getting to bring my continual evolution in support of my client’s evolution is like tthe BEST LIFE EVER!!!


Heather Hartman Johnson


I just completed The Alpha Evolution- a 21 days program lead by the amazing coach Mandy Perry. She couldn’t had chosen a better time for this work, planets retrograding and eclipses- simply divine timing for stepping back into fundamentals and implement them everyday! A lot happened for me in the past month and I do want to acknowledge Mandy as one of my gifts. Working with Mandy and being in her honest, straight forward, no BS, loving energy its a true inspiration! We dive into fundamentals of the work with a powerful group of people- we laugh and cried together, we shared, we support and celebrate each other daily! Many things has been shifted for me and not all of them are fully sink in just yet, I’m allowing the space and time to integrate them in my being deeper than ever. The biggest shift for me is moving away from “who am I being” into simply, sufficient and completed “I am” Thank you Mandy for your authentic and honest leadership. I love and respect you and the work you put in the world.

Janet Ruiz


This is me yesterday after 21 days of Alpha Evolution. In those 21 days we tracked with each other every day to address the real deep stuff. Since we began I shifted out of some gnarly attachments and bad habits that have set me free! I am suddenly exploding in even more vibrancy, energy, love and connection than ever. I can’t wait to wake up each day and see what magic and who will appear and shine in my day!! I am so grateful and blessed to have found you, my girl Mandy Perry. Since I signed her up as my mentor and joined the Diamond Girls, I have felt more supported, loved, backed in and believed in than ever. I needed to cut out some really shitty habits of thoughts and being. The ones that die hard and slow. She shut off the bullshit self pity negative tape that had a grip over me, and y’all know I am a very positive high vibe energy! Some of this stuff runs deeep. She walks the walk and talks the talk and how she explains stuff helps my creative chaos brain unsderstand and implement much needed structure and systems into my biz. Her vision of the world and how she embodies grace, big hearted love and the truth of our sensitive selves AND brings it big baller style is inspirational AF and you can’t help but expand being in her energy and powerful containers. And I love love our community! I love each of you that I share with and the daily process of leveling up exponentially with focus, discipline and fuuuuun honay! I feel held and witnessed and supported and KINSHIP!!! Life is for living and giving and receiving and this lady knows how to show us and be it. I love you so much sister and am so grateful to do life with you and Valtopia is so much bigger and brighter with your guidance for me. THANK YOU!!! Mandy Perry

Simona Spark


I am feeling so blessed I just completely a 21 day program called Alfa Evolution with my amazing coach, mentor, & friend, Mandy Perry. The transformation has been amazing. I’ve learned to live my life everyday with intention. Doing today with excellence is now a habit and only good thing come from living life this way. Celebrating little wins daily creates great energy and leads to huge wins!???? I cannot put into adequate words to describe how amazing Mandy is. She has an intuitive ability that goes beyond anything I’ve ever seen. She knows exactly when to love on you or call you out on your bs. She completely understands how you feel and really appreciates your struggles. I’ve been blessed with having Mandy in my life guiding me for 2yrs now and can’t imagine doing life without her in it. Thank you sister

Val Cripps


Still have questions? 

But Mandy, How do I know it will work?

When we focus on what it feels and sounds like this…“Will it work? Is it right for me? What if I don’t make my money back? How is this different from everything else I’ve tried? If I try and fail this again, I won’t be able to stand myself.

As fun as that is… this is really the whole point. Learning to become the person who focuses on WHATS POSSIBLE rather than what if IS the whole point. It is the work. If you struggle with these thoughts, you belong in this program.


I’m busy and already bought a bunch of courses. How much time will I need to invest each week? 

This program is about POWER moves… Not a bunch of frantic work that never needed to be done. The rule is, we don’t do anything or business doesn’t require us to do. 2 hours a week is plenty to maximize this course.


I’m not sure it’s wise to make another investment…

I know it is against traditional thinking of normal 9-5 people. Doing something EPIC in life requires epic bravery.  It can feel reckless to invest especially if you’ve already invested in a bunch of programs and you’ve yet to see a return on those investments.

But this isn’t a how-to – this is  CHANGING THE TRAJECTORY OF YOUR ENTIRE LIFE.

This isn’t crystals, books, free webinars, how to insta-fix, and all the other things that take up our time and help us feel better but don’t create the LIFE-CHANGING results…. this is the real work.

If you knew you couldn’t fail, and you would become one of the top 1% in the industry making 7 figures… how insignificant would this investment be? And in 10 years, will how much it took you to get there have mattered?


I love this! I’m learning so much…thank you

Ruthie Zayas-Lisboa


My Update/ Wins/Celebrations… I feel like I’ve had a series of MASSIVE transformations. It is year end, I’m in ACA, BEING, and looking at how I want to show up in my business, and my life. All of these downloads have come over this full moon, In all of this flurry I’m SO grateful to be alive BEING full me and my authentic self, creating what brings me joy! #Hallelujah #feelssogood #watchmegrow #hello2022

Monika Adams


I have to ask myself am I worthy- do I really desire my desires you know those desires deep down in the depths of your soul? Those tugs and pulls that won’t go away! Joining that membership Mandy Perry joining the 500k program and listening to the programs Loving the trainings and the powerful wisdom has not only opened my eyes I am choosing mentors (I have 2) to walk through what I haven’t been able too- struggling with past choices- walking it out and through the hard choices and decisions that I choose – I choose who I want to surround myself with what I will or will not tolerate – I choose – I respond to non-negotiables-meditation- breathing – journaling- writing- manifestation- taking the classes learning everything that I want to learn and being grateful – I show up – I respondi to the call – I do it until – What if you did share your story to just one person and it changed their life? What if you published that book or wrote your book? What if you took that leap of faith and learned that by having a conversation with just one person it could change their life? What if you found your voice and shared it? What would that look like for you?

Lisa Conger



Q:  How do I reach you if I have questions?

** You may reach us at support@mandyperry.com for any questions you have about this program, logging into the Member Center, or any technical questions.



I obviously do not guarantee specific results. I know what is available for you if you are ready to show up. I have watched hundreds of coaches get results from this work, but you are required to do the work and actually participate actively in the program. I don’t guarantee increased income. Results may not be typical of all students.

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By enrolling in any program, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the Terms & Conditions.