“Everyone has talent. What’s rare is the courage to follow it to the dark places where it leads.” ― Erica Jong
You are an extraordinary human being… and you are called to step far beyond where you currently are… and that is going to require COURAGE.
The courage to:
Let the world see the real you, unfiltered…
Walk away from the things and humans that don’t feel aligned.
Tune into your $ sh**
Ask for help
Get really real about it all
Invest way before you feel ready
Go all in, both feet without proof it will work
Go after what YOU want… Not what you think will make you safe.
But instead of doing whatever it takes to have the courage to LEAP you keep trying to figure out how.
Because it’s nice and safe and complacent to “figure” it all out.
A whole bunch of busywork that’s not really getting your anywhere at all. It just makes you feel safe for the moment that you are “working hard”.
And because you are such a bada**, your complacency looks like excellence to those around you, so you get away with it.
You are WAY too important to be wasting your time like this.
Holding back.
Playing small.
Playing the confusion game.
Waiting for the right time.
Letting fear stop you.
Letting others sh** comments freeze you.
Learning more things to be more ready. One more book, one more course, one more certification….
Meanwhile, you have a $10 Million dollar company in your head that would change literally tens of thousands of lives… if you would just show up and be consistently brave. Steady. Raw.
And it’s ok.
This was always how it was going to look.
You were always going to be right here, at this moment, hearing my words at the very moment you feel your soul-stirring you… IT’S TIME NOW.
Whatever way you were holding back, whatever mess you got yourself into, or habit you couldn’t seem to kick… IT’S OK.
I mean… it’s really fkg ok. You needed that, it’s what you chose, you chose it for a reason, and now you can do what it takes to choose something new for you. NO JUDGEMENT…
Welcome to being HUMAN.
Time to let that ego comparison sh** go.
This program is for you if you:
Know you are holding back, feel ready to breakthrough
Feel called to something greater
Know you could be scaling but aren’t
Feel called to something greater
Know you could be scaling but aren’t
Feel a desire to be more STEADY & consistent in the needle movers
Desire to know exactly when soul is guiding you and obey instantly
Want to feel lit the fk up about life and business again
Are avoiding doing the very thing that makes all the $
Know confusion is a BS pattern and feel ready to release it
Know fear is actually a compass showing you where to go, and desire to GO there
Know you have so much more courage in you that you are not tapping into
Have an area of life that you REALLY want change in (maybe not even admitting it to yourself fully)
Know there is something specific you NEED to do but it is scary AF to acknowledge
And maybe
Have been avoiding some sh**
Numbing out or cycling old habits to deal with the overwhelm or anxiousness
Have made a bit of a mess for yourself and it feels overwhelming to face.
Hi. I’m Mandy Perry.
I went from an overweight mother, on food stamps, medications, and completely unreliable – to a global company, making $1MM in 25 months and recreating this success for 3 years.
I can promise you… COURAGE was required.
And then…
I moved across the country
Bought our first home
Asked for a divorce
Gave away all my savings in said divorce
Kept all the debt
Changed the entire structure of my company
Made a desperate investment and maxed myself out
Started dating the wrong guy and got my a** kicked
Got sick
Stuck my head in the sand
Ruined my credit
My son graduated and moved out
And was also turning 40 later that year
LOL. Yup.
It is what it is.
I found myself, yet again, in the trenches, needing to find my way out.
And this time I had a big fat ego to contend with… a success identity to contend with.
Honestly, I had stopped feeling grateful for the success I had.
I wanted to burn it all down.
I wanted to just go be a waitress again.
I wanted FRIENDS that weren’t in masterminds.
I wanted to do collaborations.
I wanted way more MEANING.
I wanted a man who was gentle and uplifting.
I wanted so much more than success.
I wanted so much more than traveling the world.
So I had to do some REALLY BRAVE SH**… AGAIN.
Even though I thought I’d never be there again.
But this time, I knew what I was doing.
I knew how to walk myself through this storm… and if I can walk myself through that?
I am capable of MF ANYTHING.
And so are you, because we are the SAME.
This time I got even BETTER at breaking through & making it happen.
This time it was a savvy bishhh who knows how to say no with strong boundaries and epic standards leading the empire.
Now, it is my ABSOLUTE honor to walk with you through your BRAVE MOVES to claim what belongs to YOU.
The Program:
11 FULL ON days of powerful a** kicking LOVE bombs.
The exact process I used to walk myself from welfare mom to a million in 25 months AND then the post-divorce, lone wolf life to this life full of friends and adventure.
This will be a mix of FB Lives, Audios, and Worksheets to make sure you have every drop of support you need.
You can access this live in the FB group – or as a self-study in the membership site, you will have access for life.
We begin Oct 12th
Our welcome call will be at 10am EST – Everything will be recorded and available.
AND… none of these details matter… Because when you feel a HELL YES in your soul, when you know it’s time, it’s TIME.. and the details DO NOT STOP YOU.
You ready to have the life of our dreams and jump off a few cliffs together?
Haha woohooo!!!
Love you
Let’s do this.
I now have the honor of doing life with some of the most famous humans in my field. The wisdom that has been passed down to me after investing over $500k in mentorship in 4 short years is incredible.
And yet… the one thing I have heard from every single person, in their vastly different experiences and wisdom, from my structured boot camp style mentors like Tony Robbins to the solo, wild wonders I’ve learned from and become friends with like Kat, and all the in-betweens… IT TAKES BALLS. It takes courage, and you’re never going to make it happen alone.
Success is nothing more than your ability to show up NOW.
The one thing that stops that from happening is FEAR.
The antidote to fear is COURAGE… not understanding.
It is BRAVERY that gives you
Absolute freedom to BE any and everything you are and desire. Without ever needing to hold back or edit.
The ability to LOVE deeply without ever worrying what someone thinks about you as you BE YOU in your company.
The courage to try new crazy things
The ability to release the ego screaming at you that you shouldn’t be confident because XYZ thing wasn’t good enough.
The stamina to HOLD THE MF POSE through the storms and never relent.
The ability to dare to dream for MORE, even when what you have is pretty awesome.
It is the part of you who holds space for the HOPE that things JUST MIGHT get even better than this.
It is the part of you that refused to rob herself of JOY out of fear of a little disappointment.
It is the part of you that seeks the moments that take your breath away, and learns every lesson on the way there.
IT IS THE PART OF YOU that you will now allow to lead you… And because of that, YOUR ENTIRE LIFE WILL CHANGE <3
And when we are 95 looking back at life, we will giggle and chuckle at how BIG it all felt. <3
The Content
The step by step process to be BRAVE AF
Being rich without sabotaging yourself
Why do I stay in situations that hurt me? (How to know if I should stay or go)
Getting help for the specific thing I have going on – Savvy AF
How to breakthrough feeling anxious or defeated AND SHOW THE FK UP CONSISTENTLY
How to be lit the fk up & high vibe every day (even when you are crying or punching pillows)
How to use FEAR to fuel you (especially being seen & sales)
Clean up any mess, no matter how HUGE or crazy
How to create epic relationships through vulnerability online
Savvy vs careful or impulsive
Pay in Full
While browsing the store the other day, I randomly came across this sign and it couldn’t have been more perfect timing. Last year, I joined a program called Brave AF by Mandy Perry. This course was the push I needed to make decisions I wouldn’t have done without it. Right before I saw this sign, I had signed up for a new year long program Mandy is running. It was a stretch and outside my comfort zone, but I was reminded of what I learned in Brave AF.
Of course I added the sign to my cart, so I can look at it every day and be reminded that the magic happens when we make courageous decisions. I’m so excited for what the next year brings and making the investment in myself and my future. ❤️
I’m really excited to be here, discovered Mandy Perry work last year and was really touched by her vulnerability and inspired by her powerful energy!
Since working with Mandy, I’ve been able to bravely and passionately call my clients to a higher level of result because she’s calling me to a higher level of result every damn day! I used to run talks of up to 5 people but since working with Mandy, managed to get 25 people in the room and loved it! I’ve busted through the old mindset that I have to hustle but instead I am creating more downtime to serve my needs and this has made me more creative and helped me serve my clients more energetically and passionately.
While I’ve worked with a variety of coaches over the years, last month I caught a few FB Lives from Mandy Perry that really got my attention . Her authenticity and no BS style about what it takes to be successful in businesses really stood out from the crowd Plus she has the results to back it up. She went from being a $400/wk nanny to making 1.4 million in her first 3 years of business. I knew right away I wanted to spend more time in her energy and learning from her heart. So when I saw that she was offering a crazy amazing deal to be in her Live energy every week in 500k year with Monetize Your Journey that includes access to 30 of her courses, I felt like I hit the lottery! Since I started the course last month , I’ve had my most $uccessful month yet in the 4 years I’ve had my online business and it was way easier than I thought! I feel like I finally have access to the missing pieces for success. While the courses include information on “How To’s “ on anything you could likely need to run a successful business More importantly, Mandy is amazing at teaching how to move past the BS stuff that most people get stuck at and start creating the success that most know is possible but never seem to get to. While she may give suggestions, she empowers you to know how to get the answers for yourself The group energy in the private course FB group is amazing! Everyone is super supportive of each other and very inspiring As the saying goes “ the rising tide raises all ships” I can’t say enough good about this course. If this is resonating with you, you can check it out here. https://mandyperry.com/myj/ Doors close soon when the last spot is filled Feel free to reach out if you have any questions Nancy xx
Watching the replay! This is gold!!!! Leaning into the next idea with all your heart and seeing it through.
I also know that I can confidently tap in to my own incredible energy in my own ways as well! So Magical Mandy is like ghee and cinnamon to my moong bean soup. She’s the extra special soul food adding to what’s already fantastic! Mandy, Thank you for your relentless commitment to showing up through all of life’s curveballs and being all of you! It changes lives!
Remember, It was ALWAYS YOU.
Love you
Mandy xx
Q: How do I reach you if I have questions?
** You may reach us at support@mandyperry.com for any questions you have about this program, logging into the Member Center, or any technical questions.
Q: Where can I access the trainings for this program?
** For live programs, all content is first dropped into the exclusive Facebook group for the program, and then added to the membership area of the website. It is also emailed to you.
** For self-study, pre-recorded programs, the content is always in the membership area of the site, where you may access it forever and can revisit any training you want, at any time.
I obviously do not guarantee specific results. I know what is available for you if you are ready to show up. I have watched hundreds of coaches get results from this work, but you are required to do the work and actually participate actively in the program. I don’t guarantee increased income. Results may not be typical of all students.