A true CEO has the humility and courage to take the ”throne” because it’s what we are called to do, and only from this place can we truly serve. 



The throne is the place we manage all of our emotions so that we can get off of ourselves and see, feel, know, and serve the human in front of us. 



We will not spend one more second of one more day of our power. 



Doubt will NOT knock us off of our throne.
Fear will not.
Chaos will not.
Old patterns and habits will not.
Influence of others will not.
Trying to outrace time will not.
Overwhelm and frustration will not. 




WE WILL NOT BE KNOCKED OFF OF THE THRONE because it is from here we will bring healing to the world. We will learn to become the world’s greatest CEO for our company and people. 



Your ability to serve is as strong as your ability to manage the fears, doubts, and demands that come up.


This is for you if you…


Want RESULTS now but refuse to do it in a way that is not ALIGNED with your values.


ARE DONE wasting time feeling confused, frustrated, rushed, worried, overwhelmed.


Are driven by a desire to SERVE on this planet and make a true difference


Desire to wake up crystal clear, lit-up and confident.


Desire to go to bed knowing you showed up for todays work WITH EXCELLENCE!


Feel it’s time for a new level of steadiness in your life.


Know there is more value for you to give and desire to bring the VERY BEST of you to the world.


Know that mastering your emotions is how you STAY ON YOUR THRONE to serve, and you are ready to grow to the next level in this.


…and you’re ready to become…












Feel powerful, at ease and know how to handle anything that comes your way.

Feel steady.

Feel organized and effective.

Allow the very best of what you have to offer to the world to flow out of you.

Keep your word to yourself and others

Face the things you have been avoiding with ease

Own your mistakes with radical self responsibility and enjoy it

You are driven by DESIRE and not by stress and fear.

Are open and ready to enjoy all the incredible rewards on the other side of this work.

Feel. Wildly. Aligned. in all areas.



This is an experience.

We will walk together in our greatness arm in arm.

The details of how the program is run are designed for maximum breakthrough, and I will let you know once you are in the group how it works.



I cannot wait to see you in the group!

I love you.

Mandy xx

I loved this course! I appreciate Mandy’s style, a straight forward approach with love and honesty, she is teaching fundamental concepts in a way that sinks into your soul and changes your life. Highly recommended.

Simona Spark


This course was EXACTLY what I needed! Mandy is so straight forward and simplified things into easy steps that allowed me to walk through my own mindset blocks and negative story loops. After completing the 10 days I feel as though I am more aware of my thoughts and of the actions I back those thoughts with. I am more confident, able to sort my thoughts, goals and dreams and I KNOW that backing those with powerful action will bring more good things my way! If you’re feeling stuck, I highly recommend this course! Thanks Mandy!

Seija Somero Boyle


CELEBRATION: After years of putting photography aside due to burnout and feeling completely trapped by it all, I’ve just announced I’m going back to offering sacred portraiture!! I’m combining Human Design with photography. This is a massive win for me as I’d been SO resistant – and then today there was the perfect storm in terms of synchronicity… and within hours I had already made the announcement, website, and marketed on my new Instagram! YAY FOR BEING A CREATOR GENIUS AGAIN 

Melissa de Blok


Watching the replay! This is gold!!!! Leaning into the next idea with all your heart and seeing it through.

Candace Brammer


#replay appreciate your candid responses, your emotional honesty & your dedication so much, Mandy. I just got all high hearing you describe ‘magic’ – yesssaaa! Thank you for your description and sharing with us your trust

Laura Miner


While I’ve worked with a variety of coaches over the years, last month I caught a few FB Lives from Mandy Perry that really got my attention . Her authenticity and no BS style about what it takes to be successful in businesses really stood out from the crowd Plus she has the results to back it up. She went from being a $400/wk nanny to making 1.4 million in her first 3 years of business. I knew right away I wanted to spend more time in her energy and learning from her heart. So when I saw that she was offering a crazy amazing deal to be in her Live energy every week in 500k year with Monetize Your Journey that includes access to 30 of her courses, I felt like I hit the lottery! Since I started the course last month , I’ve had my most $uccessful month yet in the 4 years I’ve had my online business and it was way easier than I thought! I feel like I finally have access to the missing pieces for success. While the courses include information on “How To’s “ on anything you could likely need to run a successful business More importantly, Mandy is amazing at teaching how to move past the BS stuff that most people get stuck at and start creating the success that most know is possible but never seem to get to. While she may give suggestions, she empowers you to know how to get the answers for yourself The group energy in the private course FB group is amazing! Everyone is super supportive of each other and very inspiring As the saying goes “ the rising tide raises all ships” I can’t say enough good about this course. If this is resonating with you, you can check it out here. https://mandyperry.com/myj/ Doors close soon when the last spot is filled Feel free to reach out if you have any questions Nancy xx

Nancy Anger



It’s my honor to do this with you.




I love you
Mandy xx





Q:  How do I reach you if I have questions?

** You may reach us at support@mandyperry.com for any questions you have about this program, logging into the Member Center, or any technical questions.

Q:  Where can I access the trainings for this program? 

** For live programs, all content is first dropped into the exclusive Facebook group for the program, and then added to the membership area of the website.  It is also emailed to you.

** For self-study, pre-recorded programs, the content is always in the membership area of the site, where you may access it forever and can revisit any training you want, at any time.  


I obviously do not guarantee specific results. I know what is available for you if you are ready to show up. I have watched hundreds of coaches get results from this work, but you are required to do the work and actually participate actively in the program. I don’t guarantee increased income. Results may not be typical of all students.