You get sales is an act of love and are ready to master it
 You desire to help people move from considering to ALL IN
 You are ready to embody consistency and clarity in your sales
 It feels like something may be off with your sales process
 You haven’t been letting SALES be the priority
 It doesn’t feel like their sales are as powerful as you desire
 You do good for a while then stop, and have to start all over again
 Start-stop, start-stop energy happening #human
There’s a bit of wishy-washy energy going on with the sales
You’re feeling a lack of clarity on WHAT and HOW to sell daily with ease & flow
You feel like you’re always working towards getting there


We have this illusion that life will be hard if we do what is hard each day… 

But nothing could be further from the truth. 



Your life will be HARD when you do what is EASY.

Your life will be EASY when you do what is HARD.


And anything that feels hard becomes easy when you have clarity and do it consistently. 

And I KNOW you know this… WE ALL KNOW THIS.

So why is it so freaking hard for some people to just show up and do the power moves that bring success?


They don’t have clarity… too much noise in their head
Distractions and LIFE happening… Always something there that is “more important’
They don’t feel worthy to lead.
They feel bad selling, like they will come off desperate.
They haven’t built the habit muscle for this.
They don’t have a clear WHY driving them to do it anyway when they don’t feel like it.




They learn all the time INSTEAD of create and SELL
 They listen to way too many coaches without clarity on what THEY lead-in.
They compare themselves to others and then feel overwhelmed like they need to know how to do it like Suzie Q who has been doing it for 10 years…


And the time just keeps passing… day after day… Week after week…

And they watch all these other people have more and more success and it’s so frustrating because they know dam* well that it is 100% possible for them.

But they haven’t made SELLING a priority.

How to sell.
What to sell
WHY we sell

The habit of sales.
Sales mastery.
Sales sales sales.

All-day every day without even thinking about it… It’s just as natural as breathing.


Because it is our DUTY to have the next step for them to take the second they feel the courage and clarity to back themselves.

That is our DUTY. 

It is an act of love. 



This isn’t your everyday sales program.

I want you to picture what would happen if you consistently showed up selling every day with perfect clarity what you were selling, how to sell it, and why you were selling it.

Guilt-free, full of confidence, and deep love… looking ONLY to serve the human in front of you… Knowing you were healing and leaving your powerful legacy every single day…

What if you had to pay $10k but you really actually truly learned how to show up just like that every day? $10k for a lifetime of knowing how to do this.


Would it be worth it?

Would you do whatever it takes to make it happen? 


If you went to bed so proud of yourself for how many people you helped, and how consistent you were YET AGAIN…

You woke up crystal clear what you needed to do today to serve your people, give massive value and call their a** to more, so they were consistently taking brave action and backing themselves to work with you…

You have incredible humans shouting your name all over the internet saying how amazing you are…

What’s it worth to you, no BS, make that happen?
Do you believe it’s possible? (Well yes Mandy, I’ve seen others do it… But not me)


 I see…


It feels like you’ve been working hard but it’s just not happening for you…
Have you been selling daily, feeling super AMAZING about your offers, and how you sell?
Did you feel really clear what you were selling, how to sell, and why you are selling? 


Well, then it’s not YOU. Of course, this gets to happen for you.

You always knew you’d be successful.

You’d have never begun if you didn’t KNOW you’d go all the way to the top.


If one can, all can.

If they can EVER, we can NOW. 


This course is for the people ready to burn out all the BS stopping them from LOVING SELLING, and loving every second of the impact selling has on the world. 

My desire is for every single person who goes through this program to literally FEEL the change they are making in the world with SALES. 

It is the greatest moment on earth when a human TAKES ACTION to back their dreams.
This is what the entire course is about.

How to get the souls we are here to lead to feel empowered to back their dreams, and how to be the leader who shows up to this level of LOVE for our people. 


If you don’t know me…



Hi!! I’m Mandy Perry

I am known for the rapid success I created going from welfare to $500k year one, $1.4MM by year 3, and helping thousands of others learn how to create rapid wealth online by LETTING IT BE SIMPLE.

Rapid Sales Bootcamp is a 45-day LIFE-CHANGING Bootcamp to show up in our true leadership, make all the money, and heal the world… through the art of SALES.



This is 45 days.
This is a previously recorded self study program that you can study at your own pace.
It will be a mixture of recorded lives, workbooks, audios and anything else I feel will serve you as we go.
Every question gets answered, we have plenty live Q&A recordings.
Everyone gets what they need, this is my commitment to you.
This is for people ready to burn out the things stopping them from serving at the next level.


Mastering WHY you sell
Mastering WHAT you sell
Mastering HOW to sell
Mastering the ability to show up NOW
Mastering the ability to call people to more so they take action and back themselves


And most importantly…


Not tomorrow, not in a week… Not in a year
 Not after more certifications or courses
Not when the other program is over
When you are done mentoring with so and so
When you lose the 10 lbs
When you prove XYZ to your husband/ wife
When you feel better
When you read more books
When you blah blah blahhhh



I am incredibly gifted in helping people see how to create, market, and sell based on who they truly are NOW… not who they will be.

It’s going to be WILDLY FUN and your life will never be the same after this. I KNOW IT. 


We know when something is a HELL YES.
5 seconds later our fear kicks in.


What’s it going to be?

Are you ready to let this be the moment everything changed?

I love you!

I cannot wait for you to begin… Simply choose the level that feels like the best fit for you and tag me on FB to let me celebrate with you that you have joined!!


You will study at your own pace and may revisit any of the content as often as you wish.


I’ve made $3288 in 48 hours!

Amiee Boswinkle

This course was incredible Mandy! I am ready to relisten to the entire thing again. There have been so many pearls of wisdom, valuable nuances, and distinctions. There were also so many great prompts and questions I will continue to explore over and over.

Thank you Mandy Perry for sharing your genius with us!!

Liberty Hoffer

I can’t help the people I’m meant to serve if I stay hidden and avoid risk. Inspired and supported by the amazing Mandy Perry, I believe when we fully accept ourselves, stop apologizing for who, what, and how we are, we can create the life we desire.

Lisa Zaras

Remember, It was ALWAYS YOU.

Love you
Mandy xx

Im celebrating my first paid client in my Mrs happy program!!!!

Kaitlin Sheridan


I also know that I can confidently tap in to my own incredible energy in my own ways as well! So Magical Mandy is like ghee and cinnamon to my moong bean soup. She’s the extra special soul food adding to what’s already fantastic! Mandy, Thank you for your relentless commitment to showing up through all of life’s curveballs and being all of you! It changes lives!

Jacquelyn Carrier

My Update/ Wins/Celebrations… I feel like I’ve had a series of MASSIVE transformations. It is year end, I’m in ACA, BEING, and looking at how I want to show up in my business, and my life. All of these downloads have come over this full moon, In all of this flurry I’m SO grateful to be alive BEING full me and my authentic self, creating what brings me joy! #Hallelujah #feelssogood #watchmegrow #hello2022

Monika Adams


Q:  How do I reach you if I have questions?

** You may reach us at for any questions you have about this program, logging into the Member Center, or any technical questions.

Q:  Where can I access the trainings for this program? 

** For live programs, all content is first dropped into the exclusive Facebook group for the program, and then added to the membership area of the website.  It is also emailed to you.

** For self-study, pre-recorded programs, the content is always in the membership area of the site, where you may access it forever and can revisit any training you want, at any time.  


I obviously do not guarantee specific results. I know what is available for you if you are ready to show up. I have watched hundreds of coaches get results from this work, but you are required to do the work and actually participate actively in the program. I don’t guarantee increased income. Results may not be typical of all students.