This moment is about to change everything for you…
This moment is one of those moments you can never undo… and would never want to…

This choice is not for those who are trying to find some quick fix… it is for the Soul Led humans who relentlessly show up for the call on their life.. no matter what.. and because of that they get the life others dream of.

This course is going to crack open some deep sh** and heal you in ways you haven’t even known were needed yet. 

It is going to effortlessly transform behavior without you ever even knowing what was healed and you’ll have been the one who did it… and it will all make sense by the end.

It’s rapid and powerful and nothing will ever be the same again.

There is going to be darkness and then more light than you could ever even imagine.

You are going to feel the most profound shift of your life.. and so many things in life will all of a sudden make sense; profoundly make sense… 


and it goes against everything taught in this industry. 

We are going to disrupt this whole positive thinking trap and finally allow true transformation to happen. 

This moment is about to change everything for you…
This moment is one of those moments you can never undo… and would never want to…

This choice is not for those who are trying to find some quick fix… it is for the Soul Led humans who relentlessly show up for the call on their life.. no matter what.. and because of that they get the life others dream of.


This course is going to crack open some deep sh**

… and heal you in ways you haven’t even known were needed yet.

It is going to effortlessly transform behavior without you ever even knowing what was healed and you’ll have been the one who did it… and it will all make sense by the end.

It’s rapid and powerful and nothing will ever be the same again.

There is going to be darkness and then more light than you could ever even imagine.

You are going to feel the most profound shift of your life.. and so many things in life will all of a sudden make sense; profoundly make sense… 


and it goes against everything taught in this industry. 

We are going to disrupt this whole positive thinking trap and finally allow true transformation to happen. 


 DESIRE to feel aligned with higher self every moment of every day.. and know exactly what to do when you aren’t.

 DESIRE to be deeply soul led, and have all the money and abundance too.

 You are a bada** and show up big but things just feel like a struggle and you know they could be way more effortless.

 If you tell the truth, it feels like you have to pick between effortless soul living and big $ results.

 You have created amazing things but feel held back so big, in ways others would be surprised about.

 You are good at focusing on the positive but something isn’t working right.. something is off.

 You know you are powerful but are still getting caught in things you feel you should be past.

 Feel things deeply, and all of those feelings cause drain and chaos.

 Feeling a bit drained trying to get others around you to understand things.

 Binge eating, numbing (Netflix, alcohol, sex, dieting, shopping etc).

 Chaos, confusion, overwhelm.

 Feeling like you need to fix something before you can be successful or happy.. feels like you are never there..

 Maybe even doing things like fixing situations others have caused.. staying around mean or toxic humans.. rescuing.. overgiving..

In this industry of success..


in the spiritual community of evolution.. there are teachings that we have to look at things positively. 

Something hurts. Look at the story we are telling ourselves, change the story, change the meaning and BAM… evolution.

And it’s not that this isn’t WAY BETTER than focusing on some low level story.. but this isn’t it. 


It’s a great start.
But soon enough something doesn’t feel right.
We mantra and positive think… and yet life doesn’t BLOOM the way we know it could. 

Because positive thinking is remaining in the head.
And transformation doesn’t happen there. The brain’s job is to think, process, retain. To keep us alive.To offer us survival solutions.


Growing is death to the brain. It’s job is to tell you to do whatever you did yesterday and the day before. 

Yet this is where we go to transform? (Coming up with a positive meaning) 

Are you feeling me?

It will never ever be how we become everything we desire to be.
It’s not possible. 

It’s time for us to go way way deeper.. into the truth.
The field beyond positive thinking.
The field beyond the industries version of Manifestation.
The field beyond the mind.


This works for 100% of humans, 100% of the time.
$ Back Guarantee 

This isn’t a quick fix, it’s an evolution.
This is how to BE aligned with the highest level version of you. 

And it’s not for the faint of heart. 

It’s not for those who are frantically looking to be rescued.

YOU are going to rescue you in this course.
You are FULLY capable, you just need to know how.
And you will never ever be more proud of yourself.

You will never feel and BE more powerful than after you show up for this call.
You will never have more clarity.
You will never feel more safe.

This is just YOU & YOU, together with us. 

This works for 100% of humans, 100% of the time.
$ Back Guarantee 

This isn’t a quick fix, it’s an evolution.
This is how to BE aligned with the highest level version of you. 

And it’s not for the faint of heart. 

It’s not for those who are frantically looking to be rescued.

YOU are going to rescue you in this course.
You are FULLY capable, you just need to know how.
And you will never ever be more proud of yourself.

You will never feel and BE more powerful than after you show up for this call.
You will never have more clarity.
You will never feel more safe.

This is just YOU & YOU, together with us. 

This is a 15 day JOURNEY together.

If you give me 15 days I’ll give you a whole new life.

We begin Nov 1



    10 life changing days inside of the private FB group (Live trainings & Q&A sessions).

    Truly be aligned with your highest self.

    Feel the highest highs you have ever felt.

    Be using the power of healing to show up for your dreams NOW. No more wanting to wait.

    No longer be afraid of pain & fear.

    Understand how to create your biggest $ months.

    Act in alignment with your true desires.

    Be so damn proud of yourself.

     Feel powerful and unstoppable.

    Be deeply healed in places you couldn’t reach before. 

    30 day money back guarantee.

    If you do not feel this was worth 10X the investment, you’ll get a 100% refund. 

    This works if you work it. And I believe you are here to show up and get what you came for.
    I believe in YOU enough to make this guarantee. 

    I know my people. 

    We show up and give everything we have, and if you do that in this course this will be worth 1000x the investment. 


    EARLY BIRD (Ends Oct 30th 11:59 pm EST)  

    Or Join us for Le million 

    One year access to Mandy in a private FB group with weekly Q&A and access to ALL LIVE courses the entire year. 
    $555 monthly or $5555 for the entire year.

    As well as access to THE VAULT. 
    Access to all 30 courses Mandy created as she went from welfare to her first Million online in 25 months. She is the first in the industry to create results like this and gives you access to everything she learned in that journey, investing $500k in her own growth.

    This is the most popular choice. 
    When you join us for the year, you automatically get access to all live courses running. 

    I’ve never felt this supported, this solidly, at this high level before. It’s safe. It’s really fucking safe!!! Only a month working with Mandy and I already know this deep in my bones right now – life changing.

    Gina Silvestri

    I’m currently celebrating going through the squeeze and embracing the new version of me, bringing awareness to the old and instilling the foundation of the new (me) to arrive.

    Kimbely Radke

    Ok…. I danced around , let go of limiting energy, turned my music up, went into my call with my authentic self…… created a 5 month VIP client!! Even higher investment!!!

    Sarah Vie

    Have Quetions?

    We are happy to assist you with any questions you may have email