


THE mastermind for the most powerfully loving humans in the world

Welcome to Diamond

A mastermind where we RISE together.
We support each other through the hard and cheer each other on in the biggest wins of our lives!

We calibrate together to the energy of INFINITE potential.

Step by step we become a more powerfully aligned human, each day becoming the human we envision in our mind’s eye.

Everything we could never be alone

we become TOGETHER

The Diamond Experience Includes

  Weekly 20 min 1:1 calls with Mandy directly.

  VIP access to all LIVE courses, Miracle Millionaire Mastermind & workshops.

  2 Live Events /yr.

Once a

always a

Ruthie Zayas-Lisboa

Ruthie Zayas-Lisboa

One of the best things I’ve done to show up for myself, my family, and my business was joining the Diamond Mastermind group.

The coaching I get from Mandy is what my heart needed. It’s helped me on a very personal level. I have learned that I have my own magic to offer the world.

Not only do you get to learn from Mandy but the other awesome people in the Zoom calls.

This experience has been priceless.

Kari DeWitt

Kari DeWitt

Within just a few weeks of working with her in this particular program, I’ve made massive moves in my life/business that I become one of Mandy’s DIAMOND MASTERMIND clients!!! This has been my dream for 3 years!!! The amount of value in her MYJ/$500K Year has helped me beyond what I imagined. All the programs I drooled over for the last 3 years are literally at my fingertips! I am not writing this as a brag on my accomplishments, but as a brag on HERS! The amount of value that she’s offering still kinda blows my mind, if I’m honest. She is literally showing you how she went from welfare to a million-dollar company!!!!

Eve McColloch

Eve McColloch

If you want to hang out with amazing people, have fun, tap into your magic, have a friend who is also a Guru at all she puts her mind to, then you should seriously consider becoming a Diamond. You don’t have to be a coach to benefit from Mandy’s Diamond Mastermind. I loved my time with Mandy and look forward to our next life enriching, galaxy exploring, mind blowing, soul connecting time together. Until then….may you have a beautiful, blessed day.

Liberty Hoffer

Liberty Hoffer

Never have I felt such freedom to say, do and be all of who I am in a community as I have in the Diamond Mastermind. There is no conforming, no box to fit in, thus allowing each of us the space to create from our unique genius while being incredibly supported throughout the process.

From my experience, Mandy is unparalleled at creating a safe place to tap into our most profound personal truths that ultimately inform our authentic message and provide inspirational fuel to a body of work we are genuinely excited to bring to the world.

Kimberly Radke

Kimberly Radke

Being in the Diamond Mastermind has been such an extraordinary experience. The evolution, networking, collaborating, and continual up-leveling from Day #1 has transcended the game in so many areas for me.

What has taken me years to fine tune within my company has taken shape in only a few month’s time. This space has exceeded all of my expectations for business, personal and spiritual growth. I am a better human for being in this space.

The energy of the Diamond Mastermind feels like coming home to be among some of the most high vibrational loving humans. I’m living my best life here surrounded and supported by aware, awakened, and extraordinary members. The value is unparalleled, I am so grateful. This space has my heart.

Stephon Blalock

Stephon Blalock

Working with Mandy is like a breath of fresh air. She inspires you to be more of who you are in your business. She is the QUEEN of finding your inner genius and getting you to calibrate to it so that your business is truly yours and one that you will enjoy building for years to come.

Through her I have come to be so confident in my ability to serve my clients. Within months of working with her I created my first 1-1 program and attracted 2 new clients. I am actually having fun building my business, my life is 10x more enjoyable and connecting with others has become a joy, not just an obligation or chore.

Mandy’s authenticity and realness will inspire you. She literally uses her magic to help you step into your own magic and together what seemed impossible becomes very possible. This woman is what I have been waiting for in a mentor and coach. Someone who practices what she teaches and shows you how to do what she does in your own way. She sees through the fog and calls you to the greatness within you. I can finally say I am in touch with my greatness and I am enjoying the ride of my life. And this is only the beginning.

Shannon Burke

Shannon Burke

I’ve worked with many exceptional mentors over the years but Mandy is the FULL package. She’s got the “know how”.  She’s got the perspective you seek.  She’s got the vision.  And… 

She’s got the Love!  Always evolving for us as clients, and providing what we need and calling us to our greatness. Working with Mandy has opened my eyes, mind and heart to take action on what it is I’m really after.

The people Mandy attracts in her space are equally profound and full of purpose and passion. Being lucky enough to experience the collective wisdom and Mandy’s continued support is a beautiful mind explosion! 

She will really hear, see AND work with you. She’s always coming from truth, honesty and integrity but that equally will hold you to your greatness.

The Diamond Group is where we all shine the brightest and where ALL the magic of you becomes clear, natural and focused for purposeful success.

Sarah Vie

Sarah Vie

Just a little appreciation for you. You allowed me to deepen my relationship with myself. You allowed me to see my truth. You are an amazing human being. We Diamond girls are so lucky to have you. Thank you. I am no longer available for the old story about my failure.

Adaina Biggs

Adaina Biggs

I am also supremely grateful for Mandy Perry and her willingness to DO IT UNTIL and never give up because her fierce determination is a beacon for me when I’m struggling in the darkness.
And while this is not a Mandy Perry commercial, I feel obligated to share that joining Mandy’s Diamond Mastermind has changed my life (and my son’s) in ways too numerable to mention. If you ever want the full story, hit me up.
No amount of money could deter me from choosing this path now that I’ve seen the results for myself. Seriously, I would choose it over and over. Worth every penny. Worth every ugly cry. Worth every freaking minute.
Terra McGee

Terra McGee

I absolutely love the diamond mastermind! I love all of Mandy Perry’s courses so to combine her coursework WITH the 1:1 coaching – it’s a double whammy! 

There’s really no other way to do it if you’re looking for maximum impact in your coaching business!

I’ve always known that life and business were intricately connected, but the level of awareness that I have around this concept has increased dramatically since joining Diamond.

Mandys zone of genius is making you feel loved, heard, and understood while helping you walk through all the sh* that comes up with business.

Working with Mandy has been a PROFOUND experience. The levels of awakening and realizations have been healing AND explosive all at the same time – that’s literally her energy! Healing, calm, understanding, loving, motivating, high vibe, and get sh* done all at the same time 

Working with Mandy has revolutionized my  life AND business.

Janet Ruiz

Janet Ruiz

Mandy cuts right through all the bs and 20 minutes of 1:1 a week will blow your brains on what you ever thought possible for your life, relationships and business. Plus access to every training let’s you put her in your ear every single day so you just keep shifting and shifting exponentially. All of a sudden you are who you need to be to be all you desire to be and do.

This woman is the real deal and if you know you want Mandy as your coach I would say 100% don’t be afraid to jump before you feel ready because she got yo back and she will call you to more so intensely with her words, her eyes, her heart and her whole energy. If you come willing you will never be the same again your life and biz will never be the same again. 3 months ago I was in the thick of PPA and wondering if I’d ever have the capacity for my life let alone starting my biz again. Mandy was the voice of awakening for me and I integrated rapidly because of her teaching style. I launched my biz again, turned my marraige around again and got intimately reacquainted with myself and my Sacred Sexy work for the first time since becoming a mama 2 years ago. I am fully awake and alive and so grateful for the day Mandy’s posts started coming into my life.

Katie Gray

Katie Gray

Celebrating!! HUGE breakthroughs already! I’m getting what I want! I now see the areas where I’ve been getting it through a means that is not in alignment with my soul. I’ve been validating the wrong way. It’s like I’ve been stepping in the way of my ture desires this whole time without even realizing it. I’ve told myself that what I’m desperate for isn’t right or isn’t possible for me. Bullshit stories that I am releasing this very moment. “I can see clearly now, the rain is gone!! I can see ALL obstacles in my way!”

Mary Aldrich

Mary Aldrich

We have gone through major transitions in our family while I’ve been mentoring with Mandy for my business. Just recently my husband said to a friend, “She has actually THRIVED through this stressful process (of building her business).” I have also launched my first group program, doubled my email list, honed my copy, and run my first retreat, convention booths and workshops this year!!! #wholeLifeUpgrade!

Catherine Gagnone

Catherine Gagnone

For the first time ever I am making 6 figures!!! I just crossed the $100k mark last month! I left my job and am a full time coach. Trust your soul Sista! Mandy’s got your back!

Danielle Fournier

Danielle Fournier

Epic. Life Changing. And a big snuggle all at once. I couldn’t ask for better support. Mandy is one of a kind.

Val Cripps

Val Cripps

Since I joined with Mandy Perry I have been able to fully understand and embody lessons I had learned before but kept forgetting or hadn’t fully grasp. The result is letting go of some deeply entangled nasty habits and beliefs, more consistency, clarity and commitment to everything in my life which is resulting in more amazingness coming from me! More clients, higher rates, incredible results for my clients, and a big picture vision that is so aligned and expansive. Life is AMAZING!! Love my diamond sisters and Mandy’s incredible loving presence and big world impact. Let’s be our soul selves and light up the world with limitless possibilities and inspiration!!

Chloe McCreedy

Chloe McCreedy

Since working with Mandy, I’ve been able to bravely and passionately call my clients to a higher level of result because she’s calling me to a higher level of result every damn day! I used to run talks of up to 5 people but since working with Mandy, managed to get 25 people in the room and loved it! I’ve busted through the old mindset that I have to hustle but instead I am creating more downtime to serve my needs and this has made me more creative and helped me serve my clients more energetically and passionately. #nomoreburnout

Erin Fritts

Erin Fritts

I’m celebrating my first $20k month! Before I started working with Mandy, my biggest fear was that I wasn’t going to be able to make my business work, that I wasn’t good enough to actually create what I wanted. And now my business and life literally have done a 180. I am more in alignment with my mission and impact that I desire to have onthe world.

Susanna Westwood

Susanna Westwood

Hey Everyone, Today’s session with Mandy was so epic. I had so many shifts through the session.
During this month of evolve I am evolving into an International Platinum Artist. Wow that’s still hard to say.
Today I made a decision that I am no longer available for no sales of my album.
I am calling in the vision….
I get to have a Platinum Album award hanging on the wall of my beautiful home.
Stephanie Hess

Stephanie Hess

In just a few days, I had more mindset and energy shifts than I’ve had (ever). I learned and saw things revealed to me that prompted massive change in how I show up, think of and speak about my business. Abundance is availbale to me now, not in ‘a few months and years’. I will be launching my first ever webinar in a couple of weeks which I know will be wildly successful because that is the only thing I’m available for now. This level of training is a gift not just to entrepreneurs and business owners – but any walking and breathing human with a pulse. I want to tell everyone I know about it! Thank you Mandy!

Phil Ester

Phil Ester

Growth is all about changing your perspective and being stretched beyond what you currently know or think. It’s getting out of your head as they said in the opening of Star Trek” to boldly go where no man has gone before. “ Working with Mandy Perry has stretched and pushed me beyond my comfort zone. This is where growth happens. It has been an amazing experience to see the areas that I needed to grow and heal. These areas were things I had told myself didn’t matter. Yet they were things critical to my growth and healing. It is awesome working with someone who makes you feel loved and accepted for who you are yet always calling and pushing you to be a better version of yourself everyday. Mandy Perry, thank you for pushing me to explore all the dark areas of my universe.

Dayan Cambell

Dayan Cambell

I hadn’t even had one client yet when I first started with Mandy. I was scared of coaching because I didn’t feel good enough, that I had enough experience or knowledge (even after my multiple certifications in coaching). Working with her I went from charging $297, and feeling like that was too much, to launching my first group program and earning $15k.

Cindy Danielson

Cindy Danielson

I went from providing one service only, to feeling empowered to tap into my  true potential, learn more and work from the inside out in order to help serve my clients; incorporating coaching and high level teaching points into my business, shifting my energy around money and attracting a tribe of SOULFUL, BRAVE and bold WOMEN who are willing to invest in their life because they know that way deep down in the basement of their soul, they were meant to let go of what no longer served them so they could EMBODY who they are at their core and live their BIG, FULL, and BEAUTIFUL life going forward!  

There is magic in setting intentions.

Just a short five months ago I set the intention to surround myself with phenomenal Mama Entrepreneurs who are rocking it and sharing their brilliance with their world. I went on a search. I am talking googling, searching amazon on various topics, instagram hashtag searching, you name it, I was going to find these Mama Entrepreneurs.

I wasn’t just looking for what looked on the outside to be rocking it, I was looking for women who truly embody themselves from the inside out. I knew they were out there and I found them.

I want to introduce you to one in particular that has stood out in so many ways. She is raw. She is real. She will tell you EVERYTHING she’s learned on her path so you can overcome your hangups faster. She doesn’t hold anything back. She is a gift to the world and her name is Mandy Perry ❤️

She is an example of what showing up and sharing yourself boldly and bravely creates a ripple effect of others giving themselves permission to do the same. She is an example of being so wildly yourself, life simply becomes a gift, and no longer a burden (you should hear her story and where she came from – you will be in awe).

She is an example of how loving yourself first is the way to having the most genuine relationships in every area of your life.
She is an example of joy, creativity, fun, play, adventure, and SAVVY!!!

Thank you Mandy for being so unapologetically you and sharing yourself so courageously every single damn day as you inspire me to do the same!!!

Maggie Emerson

Diamond Events