Accelerated Coaching Academy

The step by step system to grow from your 1st client to your 1st million

This is the roadmap Mandy followed to go from welfare to $1 million dollars in 25 months.

Welcome to the world renown Accelerated Coaching Academy.

We’ve had the honor of walking clients from all over the world through this program helping them discover their first client and continue on to create their very own 7-figure companies.

There are no coincidences… if you are here, it is because you have been called to something bigger, something more.

We can’t wait to meet you and get to know you more! 

You will hear a lot of success stories from our clients as we love to shout each other from the rooftops. Life is just more fun together.

I was a teacher when I invested in ACA, and I now run a 7-FIGURE BUSINESS!

If I had let money or fear stop me, I wouldn’t have been a TEDx speaker.  I wouldn’t have transformed thousands of lives. I wouldn’t be back together with my husband and family and so, so much more. Mandy sees things others don’t.

Tina Brigley

I Get It.

I Really Get It.

It Feels Like…

Technology overwhelm

Making $ is hard and you’re not sure you want to work THAT hard.

You have been doing this for so long and still not there.

People can’t afford your offers… they don’t really want to show up for themselves.

Not good enough. Not if they really knew…

If I put myself out there as a leader, people will question me and cut me down.

Everyone’s saying different things, how do I know which way to do it?

I don’t know if I really have something worth offering.

I definitely don’t have the discipline I need.. I need someone to motivate me and help me.

If I become rich and successful it will make me a bad person.

How do I know which program to offer, and who do I offer it to?

Which niche should I pick, I know SO much!

Comparing yourself to others thinking, they’re already doing it and doing it better. 

Worrying what others will think if you are LOUD & BRIGHT

Wondering how the heck to get new people paying attention to your content.

Confused on how to use the different social media platforms 

Wildly committed to never being sales-y

Feeling chaotic and rushed and just want to bring the best of you to the world and change some lives.

I’m not even sure I really know what I want.

I am overanalyzing and procrastinating, a LOT.

I don’t have my sh** together, how am I supposed to help them?

I want to be successful, but I don’t want it to take over my life.

We hear you!

This is why only 1% of humans ever hit 7-figures in this industry and only 7% ever even hit 6-figures. (Until ACA came along.) 

We have been leading incredible people through the ACA program for more than four years now and it has been an absolute honor to walk them through the steps and to become top leaders in their industry. 

We defy every odd, one at a time, #together.

We do it together

When I joined ACA, my biggest month ever was $4k. 

By the time we finished I had made $30k, $60k coming in two weeks later.

Mandy coaches me to relax and receive the energetic frequency of this level of money this fast.  I’m now doing more business and an overwhelming number of people reach out everyday. 


John T. Griffith

This is for you if…

  You are ready to challenge these limiting money and success beliefs.

  You desire freedom, your own schedule, debt free, footloose and fancy, fired up living.

  You desire to feel really ALIVE. AWAKE. Tuned in and TURNED ON.

  You get that this isn’t just about how, it’s about BECOMING as you walk out the how.

  You want to help others, and you always want to thrive while you do, no in between.

  You are open minded about how SIMPLE this can be. You are willing to stop fighting for your limitations and try this new way no matter how “too good to be true” it feels. (that’s just the brain doing survival mode)

  You are willing to get uncomfortable and take some smart risks. Life is rigged for the bold.

  You are willing to TAKE. ACTION. NOW. No more waiting until…

I made $18k in the first 6 weeks in ACA! I left my job as an NP and by the end of the progra, I was making $24k being a full-time coach and joined the Diamond Mastermind!

Catherine Gagnone

The Details

⇢   The course is 12 weeks long. 

⇢   There are weekly training modules housed in the Membership area for your watching pleasure.

⇢   The course has bi-weekly (5 total) ZOOM meetings all together where you will have an opportunity to watch Mandy coach others 1:1. It is very rare to be able to watch a high-level coach, coach others. This is an incredible part of the program. It is a big part of why clients have such rapid success in this program. 

It is truly our honor to make this available for you!!!

⇢   Everything is recorded and available for replay. There are live Q&A’s and every single question is answered.  


The Program


Module 1What it Really Looks Like to be Successful in Your Business

⇢ How do you know what YOUR aligned business looks like?

⇢ How do you feel confident you can do this?

⇢ How do you show up even when others are already doing the same thing?

⇢ How to overcome the fear of failure?


Module 2 – Creating Your Online Course

⇢ How to create the most extraordinary online course from start to finish in a simple flow based way… and KNOW for sure it will sell! 

⇢ I’m going to show you how to stop debating what to sell, and to avoid the pitfall of trying to sell what you are actually a student of. This is powerful, raw, authentic alignment and it feels sooo good.



Module 3Create Your High-End 1:1 Offer

⇢ What’s the difference between your courses and your 1:1 offer, and how do you sell your 1:1? 

⇢ How do you call in high-end, ready to invest, clients? 

⇢ How do you lead in a way that magnetizes them?

Module 4 – The Launch

⇢ How do you launch your offers? Step by step made very simple.

⇢ And these key things will set you apart. This module will really excite you! You will see why so many other coaches don’t have success, and know exactly what to do.


Module 5Magnetic Marketing

⇢ How do you market online in a way you are excited about? How do you know what works for you? How do you create hype and excitement about your life and offers in a natural way that feels good?


Module 6Sales with Soul

⇢ What is the thought process behind sales that sells like wildfire?

⇢ This is the thinking that caused me to go from ground zero to $1 Million in just 25 months. It’s not about what you do, it’s about how you think, and what you are focused on. This is a game changer… and you’ll never wonder HOW to sell again!!! You have my word.


  Module 7 – $ Mindset

⇢ How to stop feeling like you’ll be someone you don’t want to be if you make a ton of $. Wealth requires alignment. We go deep here, but you deserve the life of your dreams.. so we show up for ourselves and calibrate. 


⇢ Often money is the biggest stressor in my client’s lives but yet their money mindset is holding them back and they spend all their time trying to figure out HOW rather than calibrating here.


Module 8Daily Content

⇢ Yes, daily content… Made. So. Very. Simple.


Module 9Running Your Course

⇢ How to create a powerful space where your clients explode and rave about you! 

⇢ How to run a course with ZERo responsibility for their results, which is also the very reason they excel in your container.

Module 10How to Reach Your $ Goals Without Stressing

⇢ What is the point of $ goals? 

⇢ How to set and reach them without feeling the stress that causes people to quit. 

⇢ How to feel motivated by your $ goals


Module 11How to Hire and Delegate

⇢ Learn how to run your business like a season pro for $80 a month – this is so simple. We really over complicate it.


Module 12Q&A Live 

All questions answered.


Working with Mandy has made me feel seen and heard. I am constantly shifting into my next best self, in my relationships, in my awareness of my needs, and always remembering I can have the life I want. I love her style, the results I am getting and the way I feel after every call. I am grateful to have found her!


The 90-day intensive is the first time doing something that is actually working, and doesn’t feel hard! I made $2K in my first 3 weeks after coaching with Mandy! I feel real changes taking place, learning to listen to my body, and becoming a more alive woman and an effective coach”


I went from charging $297and feeling like that was too much, to launching my first group program earning $15k in the ACA program!


Words cannot express the improvement in my life that I have made working with Mandy. Hiring her was Life Altering! I faced sides of myself that was hiding from and Mandy taught me how to view myself and my circumstances in a new frame of mind that is healthier for me & my family. I know how to get out of my head, move out of my own (the rest is missing from photo)


Celebration: A week ago today I set my $goal at 30k before end of Feb, and I met 75% over weekend plus another $1200. today ???? SO GRATEFUL for ACA and having a place to share and celebrate this with you all. Mandy’s coaching is ???? PURE FIRE ????


What if this is the moment it all changes?

Every person we admire is only a few moments ahead of us, and and when they came to this moment they chose to take one more step.


This is a Self-Study program.
Once you sign up, you will get an email with all the details to access the recordings.

Mandy Perry Inc can not and does not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies.

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