Embodying the version of YOU that people love to buy from.
Embodying the version of you that magnetizes your humans and their desire to advance with you.

When you are absolutely aligned with what you are selling and your sales is an extension of your love, people feel safe and move closer.
When they feel safe with you they will create profound results in their life and will keep coming back for more. 

When everyone around you desires to buy from you and is celebrating their purchases with you, an energy is created for you, for them, and for the collective.

I trust your genius.

This isn’t an experience where you will be told to do things you don’t want to do.
This is an experience that will create clarity and predictability in your sales. 

When I first began this business I had zero business experience.
I was a nanny making $400 a week.
I had no website, no sales pages, no team… I used no funnels, no ads, nothing fancy or complex.
I was simply aligned.
I knew how to BE.
I knew how to think to create a tsunami of sales and breakthroughs for my clients. And this being created $1 Million in 25 months.

There is not a single human on the planet who cannot learn to create these results. 

Anyone can learn this Mastery and create the freedom and lifestyle they desire. 

In Money Magnet I take you through a profound experience that will unlock this within you.

Embodying the version of YOU that people love to buy from.
Embodying the version of you that magnetizes your humans and their desire to advance with you.

When you are absolutely aligned with what you are selling and your sales is an extension of your love, people feel safe and move closer.
When they feel safe with you they will create profound results in their life and will keep coming back for more.

When everyone around you desires to buy from you and is celebrating their purchases with you, an energy is created for you, for them, and for the collective.

I trust your genius.

This isn’t an experience where you will be told to do things you don’t want to do.
This is an experience that will create clarity and predictability in your sales. 

When I first began this business I had zero business experience.
I was a nanny making $400 a week.
I had no website, no sales pages, no team… I used no funnels, no ads, nothing fancy or complex.
I was simply aligned.
I knew how to BE.
I knew how to think to create a tsunami of sales and breakthroughs for my clients. And this being created $1 Million in 25 months.

There is not a single human on the planet who cannot learn to create these results. 

Anyone can learn this Mastery and create the freedom and lifestyle they desire. 

In Money Magnet I take you through a profound experience that will unlock this within you.

The moment a client has an opportunity to say yes to themselves, believe in themselves, is the minute their transformation begins.

Sales is an act of love.

It is US believing in them, and them believing in them. 

It is a moment when power emerges, and dreams are born…. And it is an HONOR to be a witness to such a birthing.


This is an experience where you unlock the power to create ALIGNMENT in the sale for both you and the buyer.
A sale where everyone is excited and taken care of.
Where celebrations and shouting from the rooftop happen.
Where everyone is experiencing the very best life has to offer. 

And it is YOU who creates this experience for your buyers.


In Money Magnet I teach you YOUR way, honoring your genius.
Honoring what feels exciting and magnetic for you so that your business feels just as magical as you always imagined it would feel.
I teach you how to sell in a way that creates the space where they thank you for letting them buy.
Where they feel honored and just as magnetic when they purchase as you do when you sell. 

When we sell.. It is a moment where we have the golden platter ready for them THE VERY MOMENT they have the most amount of clarity and courage.
It is our act of love to create this clarity and courage, and have the very thing they desire to purchase ready and available for them.
They will walk themselves through the finish line because they are powerful savvy humans, just like you. 

This is mastery.
This is love.
This is the art of Soul Aligned Sales.

Just after making the investment in working with Mandy, I am seeing expansion in all areas of my life. I am booking clients left and right and I am feeling like my services are valued and I am legitimizing my business.

Melissa Celikel


I’m celebrating my first $20k month! Before I started working with Mandy, my biggest fear was that I wasn’t going to be able to make my business work, that I wasn’t good enough to actually create what I wanted. And now my business and life literally have done a 180. I am more in alignment with my mission and impact that I desire to have onthe world.

Erin Fritts


I just brought in two new clients in the last 24hrs and made $7300…… so that’s $12800 in 7 weeks. I’m so grateful to myself and to you x

Carlie Hageman







How would it feel to have clients celebrating and cheering together because they purchased your program? – Mandy Perry




How would it feel to have clients celebrating and cheering together because they purchased your program?

What You Get

 10 life changing days inside of the private FB group (Live trainings & Q&A sessions) 

 A powerful, high-vibe community all working together towards the same goal as you. 

Every single question answered. 

BONUS content surprises 


Choosing to be aligned with wealth begins now.


Have Quetions?

We are happy to assist you with any questions you may have email support@mandyperry.com