


learn all the things.   make all the money.   have all the fun.

Yes! You get to have it


Instant Access To Every

Course Mandy Created Going From

$0 – $1.4 Million In Her First 3 Years

Yes, It’s True. More Than 30 Courses Are Waiting For You


  • You don’t need to pick between learning and making money now.
  • You don’t need to wait years before making a lot of money (this is a huge BS story)
  • You don’t need to figure out complicated technology
  • You don’t need to pay for followers and ads
  • You don’t need to wait until you know more, lose weight, have another certification or are more fancy to create a massive impact and make a lot of money

This Is A Journey Of Outgrowing Ego

What if I look stupid? 

What if I can’t get them results? 

What if I really give my best and don’t make it happen? 

Everyone else is doing amazing things already. 

Maybe I’m not meant for this. 

People don’t engage with me on social media. 

People can’t afford my coaching/ healing services.

My energy is off because I need to make $

I get super motivated for a few days and then get distracted. 

I don’t want to come off as sales-y

I don’t write or speak as powerfully as her. 

I’ve gained weight. 

I don’t have nice clothes.

I’m not organized enough. 

I don’t know enough. 

Technology is overwhelming. I don’t have enough to post. 

I don’t know how to always have powerful things to say. 

Am I really meant for this? 

When we have gone through hard things we SELF FOCUS… to try to stay safe. It’s just a part of being HUMAN. #human  



  • What if this works?
  • What if my best right now is enough for the humans I am meant to lead?
  • What if I get to make incredible money doing what I am already good at? 
  • What if this is the very moment everything changes?
  • Monetize Your Journey is the art of learning how to do just that.

What is Monetize Your Journey (MYJ)?

Complete access to Mandy’s wisdom captured in the courses she created as she walked out the massive success in her life her first 3 years of business. She learned from the most successful people in the world, did the hard things to walk it out and get the result, and then created courses for her community to learn everything she did in RAPID form. 

She is well known for how she went from welfare to $1MM in 25 months with zero business experience. It’s never been heard of before in this industry, and she holds nothing back. 

Monetizing Your Journey is giving all you have to give TODAY without a story we need to be any better than we are.  

This is $500,000 of wisdom invested, broken down into accessible courses, ALL AVAILABLE to you instantly inside.


It is our HUGE gift to you and we just KNOW you will LOVE IT!

We do it together

Clients have…

  • Quit their 9-5 & gone on to create 7- figure companies
  • Bought their parents homes
  • Gotten debt free
  • Traveled the world
  • Run successful online courses no longer trading time for $
  • Created masterminds and retreats all over the world
  • Given their children lives they could never have imagined…

Together we have…

  • Learned to be more LOVING, kind patient.
  • Outgrown our limitations and suffocations.
  • Stopped binge eating. 
  • Found peace of mind, JOY and energy!
  • Live a truly happy existence

We do it together. We do it UNTIL..  

I’ve had the pleasure of working with Mandy Perry through two programs. The energy that she brings to the table is out of this world. Not only does she ask the perfect questions to really get you thinking about your life, business, and limiting patterns & beliefs, but she helps you push past them with that down to earth, no-fluff ENERGY!!

She’s done the inner work to get where she is, and through working with her I’m finally learning how to do the same.

Listening to her speak is enough to raise my vibration and get me showing up each day like I never have. Mandy is a powerful force, and I’d recommend any program she releases. Plus, she’s just so damn fun to watch!

Thank you Mandy for all that you do, and the value you put into this world. I now understand how to show up as my most bad-ass self each day, and I’m so thankful for the lessons you’ve taught me.

Heather Baird

How it works.

  • Once you join us you will have instant access to more than 30 courses in your membership area.  
  • Each month we will have a featured course that we go through together so you’ll get to walk through the material together and support each other.
  • Bi-weekly Q&A for all questions on that course in your private MYJ FB group. 

What’s Included

  • Instant access to a content library of 30+ courses and masterclasses valued at more than $50,000. 
  • Bi-weekly LIVE Q&A Events 
  • You will receive a 10% off all new release LIVE core courses 

What’s Not Included

  • Private zoom calls with clients who took the course live
  • 1:1’s that may have been included live
  • The ACA, Money Mastery, and Happy & Wealthy Course which will still be run LIVE These courses are our CORE courses. You can get on the waitlist at any time.
  • Access to the LOVED community

This is instant access to High end, powerful, life changing courses


A Letter from Mandy: 

I know it can feel too good to be true.

It felt that way for me when I dared to dream too, as I was sitting in my little basement apartment with water stains on the floor, crying.. just trying to understand how to do LIFE well… to be MORE for my kids. 


Could you imagine if I didn’t quit my nanny job (making $400 a week) and go all in on my business? 

 If I let the “what if’s” stop me? 


How could I know what was just around the corner?  

Somewhere inside YOU have this relentless KNOWING that you are meant for more. Sure, you are human… messy AF.. so what? 

The you 5 years ago couldn’t FATHOM being as far as you have come today, and you didn’t get all the way here to stop now. 

We don’t let the fear of disappointment stop us. 

We don’t let who we were yesterday predict our tomorrow. 

We don’t give in to the fears barking. 

We go all IN.
We do it UNTIL. 
We do it Together

I love you.

I’ll see you on the inside! 

M. xo

Mandy unloads her wisdom and rattles your cage to wake you up to what’s possible through real live demonstration of where she has been and where she is going. I got the tools, training, and proverbial kick in the ass that I needed to finally launch.

Richard Matteson

Rags to Riches cuts through all the fluffy bullshit and gets right to the gems of what actually WORKS. Mandy is able to communicate these concepts in a way that you’ll actually UNDERSTAND and be able to easily implement. Clear, bold, and on point – all while having a great time and feeling massively supported! 

Amanda McNair