Woman on Fire



Finally find out what you are made of at 100%

This is for the woman that is driven to help the people she loves, and is ready to do the work to feel permission to be wealthy and wildly successful.


You love them.
You want to help them.
And you work so hard to help….but it usually feels relentless…


You see the needs and the pain and you hurt for them.
You know you can’t help anyone if you aren’t helping yourself – but there just seems to be never-ending fires to put out.

How can you go and take care of you when there is such desperate need in the world, in the family, in general?

How can you feel better when others are suffering?

But… you know you need to take care of yourself better so you can show up – crush motherhood, crush business, crush life.

So what gives?
How can you feel joy when others don’t?
How can you have wealth while others struggle so?

How can you show up as your strongest self and truly create massive change without burning yourself out?

How can you comprehend having everything when others have nothing? THE GUILT!

How can you become a force of LOVE for the people and clients you love? Encourage, support, and be an example of strength and joy for them while battling the day-to-day needs?

And… how can you possibly know when you are just stuck in resistance vs stepping outside of soul and got off course?

Just when you think you busted through – here it is again.
How do I juggle it all, find wild success, AND help everyone I love?

I know this place well.
I got you.


You are ready to see this from a soul level


You are ready to be the leader


You want to create a true impact in the world


You long to have success and be wealthy and never feel guilty


You have a huge heart and want to use it from an empowered place


Ready to use all the freed up energy you have to build wild success


 Ready to feel UTTER FREEDOM to be who you truly are – no apologies


Ready to finally see what you are capable of when you are showing up in life at 100%


Ready to be the most encouraging woman you know


Ready to be the happiest woman you know




How to stay a heart-centered woman, who helps the people she loves while THRIVING and having massive success.


How to feel safe to be a millionaire.
How to be in the world, feel the pain of so many others, and still feel AMAZING… still feel permission to be a millionaire, to be beautiful, to meet your needs AND LONGINGS.


How to be a VIP with love.
How to have a huge impact yet stay in your power and call others to more vs getting caught up in their pain and then playing small. (This skill is the nucleus of your business as well as how to be revered and respected in your life)


How to know when you are just stuck in resistance vs having stepped outside of soul and gotten off course. THIS IS HUGE. It will change everything.


My best resources on how to break through guilt and have wild success


Powerful morning and evening guided meditations to use daily


My daily routines to stay on fire


Blueprint to 6 figures in 4 months


Phrases to use and say to own your VIP status with love





I’ve added TONS of epic things to support you to have a huge breakthrough!
I am SO excited about this topic!

Anyone who has followed me from 3 years ago until now has watched me struggle tremendously with this.

It was my deepest pain.

Today I am ready to call your ass to more and help you live your fullest life, while maintaining the heart-centered part of you that you value and love.


This will save you the years of struggle I went through and give you a fast track to ENJOYING your success.


You will study at your own pace and may revisit any of the content as often as you wish – forever!


BOOM!!!! Hitting my fucking goal!!!!!! YES!!!!! I FINALLY got my $10k month!!

Amy Martin Gray


Holy cow! This internal work that you are teaching us Mandy is so freaking powerful!

Christina Recchio


My cup is overflowing with alllll the Genius you’ve been downloading to us

Kathryn Gleason


While I’ve worked with a variety of coaches over the years, last month I caught a few FB Lives from Mandy Perry that really got my attention . Her authenticity and no BS style about what it takes to be successful in businesses really stood out from the crowd Plus she has the results to back it up. She went from being a $400/wk nanny to making 1.4 million in her first 3 years of business. I knew right away I wanted to spend more time in her energy and learning from her heart. So when I saw that she was offering a crazy amazing deal to be in her Live energy every week in 500k year with Monetize Your Journey that includes access to 30 of her courses, I felt like I hit the lottery! Since I started the course last month , I’ve had my most $uccessful month yet in the 4 years I’ve had my online business and it was way easier than I thought! I feel like I finally have access to the missing pieces for success. While the courses include information on “How To’s “ on anything you could likely need to run a successful business More importantly, Mandy is amazing at teaching how to move past the BS stuff that most people get stuck at and start creating the success that most know is possible but never seem to get to. While she may give suggestions, she empowers you to know how to get the answers for yourself The group energy in the private course FB group is amazing! Everyone is super supportive of each other and very inspiring As the saying goes “ the rising tide raises all ships” I can’t say enough good about this course. If this is resonating with you, you can check it out here. https://mandyperry.com/myj/ Doors close soon when the last spot is filled Feel free to reach out if you have any questions Nancy xx

Nancy Anger


My Update/ Wins/Celebrations… I feel like I’ve had a series of MASSIVE transformations. It is year end, I’m in ACA, BEING, and looking at how I want to show up in my business, and my life. All of these downloads have come over this full moon, In all of this flurry I’m SO grateful to be alive BEING full me and my authentic self, creating what brings me joy! #Hallelujah #feelssogood #watchmegrow #hello2022

Monika Adams





Q:  How do I reach you if I have questions?

** You may reach us at support@mandyperry.com for any questions you have about this program, logging into the Member Center, or any technical questions.

Q:  Where can I access the trainings for this program? 

** For live programs, all content is first dropped into the exclusive Facebook group for the program, and then added to the membership area of the website.  It is also emailed to you.

** For self-study, pre-recorded programs, the content is always in the membership area of the site, where you may access it forever and can revisit any training you want, at any time.  


I obviously do not guarantee specific results. I know what is available for you if you are ready to show up. I have watched hundreds of coaches get results from this work, but you are required to do the work and actually participate actively in the program. I don’t guarantee increased income. Results may not be typical of all students.