Is “DESIRE” ego… or a powerful spiritual practice?

This has been a wild one y’all… but I have finally landed my feet on the ground after a major awakening. I’ve never appreciated being grounded so much in my whole life.

Ok… here it is…

I’ve come to understand that manifestation out of ego is a sense of … what can I get next that feels good? Desire.

It comes from a sense of neediness whether we want to acknowledge that or not lol. AND OHHH man have we made an entire religion out of this in our industry! We have soooo many excuses to keep justifying this, and we numb out the voice calling us to the truth.

I had always thought of it as body desire vs Soul desire… and that was close, but not quite there. It did not separate desire enough…

Eckhart recently broke it down in a way that separated it beautifully and I felt an even deeper resonance in my body.

After going from welfare to $1M in just 25 months, with all the accolades, fame and success anyone could ever want… I gained a live experience that is hard to match any other way… it gave me the gift of seeing past it all because I now had it all…

So ultimately when I was in EGO… I was always manifesting the next “thing”.
I want a new big house.
I want a new mentor.
I want the fitness.
I want the new Chanel bag.
On and on it went, and I manifested everything with incredible speed and accuracy.

And it was fun!
I got out of poverty, gained some power and freedom and felt my power of creation.

And… the entire time I was asking my mentors…
“What about the starving children?”
“What about the world of people suffering?” “How can this stuff be what ultimately matters?”

No one in this egoic state could ever answer this in a way that ever landed as truth for me.

So I kept seeking.
I feel ever so grateful I didn’t get caught up in this world of perfection, things and power!!! I don’t know how exactly I escaped it except that restlessness in my Soul was profound enough to keep me seeking deeper truths…

… Ultimately every desire is really just a disguised desire for God/ Ultimate satisfaction and the fulfillment of being fully and truly completely who you are. AUTHENTICALLY YOU.

Anytime we are desiring, it is ego.
EGO: “Something is missing and I want it.”
There is a feeling of neediness… of not enough…
EX: I desire that car because I will feel better when I’m sitting in it and driving it. It will show the world I’ve made it. I will feel proud of myself.

IN WHOLENESS: We create from the fullness that we feel inside of us. In the ego, we are not wanting to give we are wanting to HAVE…
In PRESENCE when we create it’s WHAT CAN I GIVE BIRTH TO? We GIVE from the treasure within…

This just is what it is… lol
And we can make up all the excuses in the entire universe as to why it’s ok to “need” and “want” and ultimately there’s nothing bad about it… it simply ends in suffering.

We choose that out of innocence. We think it’s the best life can be… and it’s sooo much better than surviving so we can’t see the illusion.

I’ve watched so many of the top coaches I’ve coached with struggle with anxiety and overwhelm in their life. And the answer was always to learn to adjust to the new level of pressure. Keep going!

But this never ever brings the true reward we are seeking because our ONLY satisfaction in life is to be united with our Source.

And I’m just going to say this to all of us, myself included… We need to stop pretending we know this and really look at our lives.

Where am I needing more?
Where am I pretending I know this and looking at my life through the lens of ego accidentally?

IF I DESIRE MORE, I’ve fallen into this trap. #TheEnd.

How can I reconnect to the Source within me so that I can tap into the true joy & overflow so that I can GIVE?

No martyr crap… we don’t give out of depletion… we give because it’s flowing out of us.

We can come from the place of I want to write a book. I need to write a book so I can expand my business… vs… THIS BOOK is flowing out of me asking to be born.

What can I blog about today to sell this course? VS I FEEL this message pouring out of my soul and I’m going to speak it with courage and as much grace as I can. (Or I have nothing to say… so I say nothing and do the work I do feel called to do)

But we don’t follow this guidance within because we’re stuck on manifesting that result we desire. #fail lol. And we’re manifesting that result because we believe that it will make us feel more how we want to feel. But it won’t last. It never does…

Chasing $ for the sake of having the $ is ego.
It just is. Trusting the call of our life and showing up for it without attachment to where it takes us is SERVICE. And abundance is the natural state of all things.

SEEK YE FIRST, the kingdom of God (which we have covered that OG Jesus taught us is WITHIN) and ALL things shall be added unto you.

We’ve got this all wrong, and it’s ok. It’s also time for change now.

Meditation first.
Connection with Source first.
Healing so we can take good care of ourselves first.

Telling the truth about junk food, alcohol, Netflix, porn, spending, and all other life-consuming destructive habits.

What am I being called to do to heal this?

Thank You Mother Divine for teaching me to feel my feelings in the stillness.
Thank You God for teaching me how to perceive suffering in a way that I won’t implode. Lol
Thank You Source for helping me to be in constant connection with you.
Thank You for teaching me to get to a place where I have a lot to give.
Thank You for showing me my constant need for new things!
Thank You for helping me to escape this cycle.

WHAT ONE THING, that I know I can do, can I do NOW, to change everything?

Am I willing to keep living like this, caught in the things cycle… ever seeking something else to finally feel the way I want to feel?

Can I see the illusion?
Can I feel the restlessness in this “Manifest It ALL life”?

Can I tell myself the WHOLE TRUTH about how it really feels to live this way?
Can I feel the pull towards peace, joy, and spaciousness?

Can I feel the call to service?
Can I just acknowledge what ISN’T IT even if I don’t know how to fix it yet?

Can I let go of having to know every term and word for what God is to me… and just tell the truth right now?

Do I dare to dream of a life where I am fully and completely content and wildly grateful for all I have and am, and flow in deep connection with the Ultimate Source… feeling ever FULL… and crystal clear on how to GIVE?

I love you, Mandy ❤

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THRIVING never takes away from your kids, health or romantic partner…

(you know it’s true that thriving never takes away from your kids, health or romantic partner, yet you are not experiencing it… why?)
I was taught this as I scaled my wealth and business… only I WASN’T fully experiencing it ongoing… and of course it did take away from these things…
But….. IT IS ACTUALLY true… Thriving DOES NOT take away from our health, wealth or time… so why was it still feeling like not every need was being met while I took the time, resource and space I needed to thrive?

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Protecting through self-sabotage in health????

This morning I prayed for restoration in my health… and full exposing of all holding me back. I declared it as I woke up in pain from sitting yesterday creating all day.
I felt an even deeper birth of knowing that my words hold all the power needed to heal. Deeper and deeper we go into God’s power.
And just like that within the hour – all of a sudden I could see the mischief playing out. From the sexual assaults in my life to being drowned in the tub and men being obsessed with me… to being told harm should come to me so I would lose weight… full circle trauma.

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“If I don’t do it, no one will…”

No one else knows how to do it as good as you, as quickly and effectively as you… right?
So you always have to do it yourself… and there’s just not enough time in a day…
Oh my gosh! Even just saying these old words gives me a stomach ache… but I remember OH SO CLEARLY when life felt this way.
It’s all TOTAL CRAP.
And if you don’t have the courage to face that… it won’t change.

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Longing to serve

I long to serve with every ounce of my strength…
I yearn to LOVE in a way that is free of self-preference and self-preservation.
…. And that takes physical, emotional and spiritual strength.
It means eating well.
It means working out daily.
It means strong relentless boundaries with toxic people.
It means praying and protecting myself every morning before I pray for others.

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Wealth desires & God desires: what’s the truth behind it all?

Are our desires ego-driven shallowness????
Are they God’s guidance?
Am I meant to be led by them? To deny them????
“I trust my desires are right.”
We begin here. RIGHT HERE is where this adventure begins.
And I do… I truly trust my desires are RIGHT desires now… and it’s like a 1000 lb weight lifted off of me.

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Claiming restoration

I declare that full RESTORATION in every area of my life is already done.
I do not beg, I do not plead, I do not hope…I KNOW.
I know it is done. I know everything that felt lost, delayed, or taken has already been restored to me, multiplied beyond what I could imagine. There is no room for doubt. I release the need to see it first, because I know that creation begins in the unseen, and it is already moving into form.

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