For the Soul ahead of its time… ready to claim their divine wealth & power, side by side, together, ushering in the new ERA and enjoying every waking second of it all!
In this lifetime you will either go all in on your life and create something MAGICAL and epic… or you won’t…
It will simply be a self fulfilled prophesy lived out to try to stay “humble” and small, playing out old scary teachings that rich & powerful people are “bad”… thus allowing the very things that break our heart about humanity to continue on generation after generation.
It is my sole purpose in this lifetime to walk side by side with you out of these old scary paradigms and INTO YOUR POWER to create a new world.
It’s up to us to make the change we desire to see.
And when we have wealth, power, fame & impact, together, there is literally nothing we CAN’T do for them.
It takes immense courage to be ahead of your time and challenge the social norms that allow such suffering in our time. It is when enough of us KNOW OUR TRUE WORTH & POWER that we finally collectively lean away from co-dependency & abuse and we lean towards LOVE.
And it was always LOVE that was going to change the world.
Broke, overwhelmed, humble people will never change this. It’s time we choose to have the courage to stand in our power. Every last drop and create the magic we are here to create.
Click below to start
the most magical year of your life
I heard a story about abuse that happens in prison.
A week later I lay in bed and cried as this story came to mind.
I started to unravel how this could ever be…
How could this be happening?
How are there people in power who allow this to go on?
How are there people on this planet choosing to abuse others?
I cried and cried…
And then I became infuriated.
I felt a fire burning in me that shook me as I answered my own questions.
Because as a whole, we have been taught to be “humble”, small, and broke…
and love others unconditionally no matter how they treat us.
Sit down, be “nice” and make sure people like you.
Fall in line, don’t get too loud and be a good “worker”.
So the very best of humanity stays small while others get big.
And everyone stays overwhelmed with very little to give.
And no other reality is acceptable to me.
All the things we have been taught make us selfish? It’s our way through.
Wealth, power, radical self acceptance and self care, knowing our worth and enjoying every single magical moment life has to offer.
Actually living the VERY BEST life has to offer.
Because when you live a life basking in the very best… you have power, clarity and a LOT TO GIVE.
WHAT COULD YOU DO IF YOU WERE KIM KARDASHIAN with all the $ and social media influence? (Give this a think… what would YOU do?)
What couldn’t you do……….? (Yah…)
And why are we buying into a story that having that power, fame, influence, wealth… will somehow harm? Is somehow bad? Selfish? Superficial? Self-indulgent?
We are better if we are humble and submissive? Small? Broke?
…. it all starts with YOU being able to ENJOY every ounce of magic available to you in your own life and challenging every belief that tells you something about that is bad.
This is where it begins…
Click below to start
the most magical year of your life.
For the Soul ahead of its time… ready to claim their divine wealth & power, side by side, together, ushering in the new ERA and enjoying every waking second of it all!
In this lifetime you will either go all in on your life and create something MAGICAL and epic… or you won’t…
It will simply be a self fulfilled prophesy lived out to try to stay “humble” and small, playing out old scary teachings that rich & powerful people are “bad”… thus allowing the very things that break our heart about humanity to continue on generation after generation.
It is my sole purpose in this lifetime to walk side by side with you out of these old scary paradigms and INTO YOUR POWER to create a new world.
It’s up to us to make the change we desire to see.
And when we have wealth, power, fame & impact, together, there is literally nothing we CAN’T do for them.
It takes immense courage to be ahead of your time and challenge the social norms that allow such suffering in our time. It is when enough of us KNOW OUR TRUE WORTH & POWER that we finally collectively lean away from co-dependency & abuse and we lean towards LOVE.
And it was always LOVE that was going to change the world.
Broke, overwhelmed, humble people will never change this. It’s time we choose to have the courage to stand in our power. Every last drop and create the magic we are here to create.
Click below to start
the most magical year of your life.
I heard a story about abuse that happens in prison.
A week later I lay in bed and cried as this story came to mind.
I started to unravel how this could ever be…
How could this be happening?
How are there people in power who allow this to go on?
How are there people on this planet choosing to abuse others?
I cried and cried…
And then I became infuriated.
I felt a fire burning in me that shook me as I answered my own questions.
Because as a whole, we have been taught to be “humble”, small, and broke…
and love others unconditionally no matter how they treat us.
Sit down, be “nice” and make sure people like you.
Fall in line, don’t get too loud and be a good “worker”.
So the very best of humanity stays small while others get big.
And everyone stays overwhelmed with very little to give.
And no other reality is acceptable to me.
All the things we have been taught make us selfish? It’s our way through.
Wealth, power, radical self acceptance and self care, knowing our worth and enjoying every single magical moment life has to offer.
Actually living the VERY BEST life has to offer.
Because when you live a life basking in the very best… you have power, clarity and a LOT TO GIVE.
WHAT COULD YOU DO IF YOU WERE KIM KARDASHIAN with all the $ and social media influence? (Give this a think… what would YOU do?)
What couldn’t you do……….? (Yah…)
And why are we buying into a story that having that power, fame, influence, wealth… will somehow harm? Is somehow bad? Selfish? Superficial? Self-indulgent?
We are better if we are humble and submissive? Small? Broke?
…it all starts with YOU being able to ENJOY every ounce of magic available to you in your own life and challenging every belief that tells you something about that is bad.
This is where it begins…
Click below to start
the most magical year of your life.
Le Million is a journey. It’s learning how to build an online business & a LIFE that is an extension of the real YOU. It’s a process of unlearning all of the things that cause you to hold back, hesitate and get bogged down with overwhelm and confusion so you can build the success you want right now.
(We really wanted to spoil you..)
(We really wanted to spoil you..)
Every Monday we have live Zoom event, Mindset Monday, where I go live and share the mindset insights with you.
Every question gets answered in the Live Q&A event.
I’m 100% IN with you.
All in.
Tracking with you and walking every step with you.
There is nothing I won’t give to you in this course.
From baby Mandy to Boss Mandy to Magic Mandy to Millions Mandy.
I got you.
We have got each other.
(I will be using this year together to capture all of the content that will create the individual courses that will be offered LIVE. You guys get the benefit of getting it ALL inside for this starting price.)
>> the vault
(Value $58,000)
The step by step trail of how I went from 0-$1MM in 25 months!!!
A literal path of success captured and available for you!!
You will have instant access to all of the HOW TO, the VIBES & the WISDOM courses created as I invested $500k learning from extraordinary humans, implementing it and then creating live courses for my clients to learn from as I created the very first $1MM in the company.
* This is access to 30 powerful courses : Value $58k
Yes! Everything! (We told you we wanted to spoil you!!)
You will get full access to every high-end course run live throughout the year. (We are expecting to run 10)
You will be part of a powerful community of humans celebrating you and cheering you on as you go. You will make lifelong friendships and will feel SO loved and accepted in this group. Truly, wait until you feel the energy of these humans!
Le Million is a journey. It’s learning how to build an online business & a LIFE that is an extension of the real YOU. It’s a process of unlearning all of the things that cause you to hold back, hesitate and get bogged down with overwhelm and confusion so you can build the success you want right now.
(We really wanted to spoil you..)
Every Monday we have live Zoom event, Mindset Monday, where I go live and share the mindset insights with you.
Every question gets answered in the Live Q&A event.
I’m 100% IN with you.
All in.
Tracking with you and walking every step with you.
There is nothing I won’t give to you in this course.
From baby Mandy to Boss Mandy to Magic Mandy to Millions Mandy.
I got you.
We have got each other.
(I will be using this year together to capture all of the content that will create the individual courses that will be offered LIVE. You guys get the benefit of getting it ALL inside for this starting price.)
>> the vault
(Value $58,000)
The step by step trail of how I went from 0-$1MM in 25 months!!!
A literal path of success captured and available for you!!
You will have instant access to all of the HOW TO, the VIBES & the WISDOM courses created as I invested $500k learning from extraordinary humans, implementing it and then creating live courses for my clients to learn from as I created the very first $1MM in the company.
* This is access to 30 powerful courses : Value $58k
Yes! Everything! (We told you we wanted to spoil you!!)
You will get full access to every high-end course run live throughout the year. (We are expecting to run 10)
You will be part of a powerful community of humans celebrating you and cheering you on as you go. You will make lifelong friendships and will feel SO loved and accepted in this group. Truly, wait until you feel the energy of these humans!
“There is zero chance that you saying yes to your biggest dreams will ever be a block to you becoming who you are meant to be. It’s just not real that you were sent here to walk out your purpose but God accidentally forgot to give you what you needed to succeed.”
– Mandy Perry
“There is zero chance that you saying yes to your biggest dreams will ever be a block to you becoming who you are meant to be. It’s just not real that you were sent here to walk out your purpose but God accidentally forgot to give you what you needed to succeed.”
– Mandy Perry

Frequently Asked QueStions
Do I need to be a coach to join?
Definitely not. Everything in this membership can be used to tailor to any online business in any profession. This is about calibrating to wealth and understanding social media.
What if I am already a member of MYJ?
As an OG you get access to the membership area (MYJ) and the LIVE weekly trainings & Q&A at your original pricing!! Eeee! I know! And if you would like access to the live courses for the year, simply email and let them know you’d like to upgrade to Le Million full package!! We are happy to offer this to you for an upgrade to the $555!!
What topics are covered?
Everything from how to use social media, aligned selling, savvy business building, inner healing, mindset, FLOW, soul alignment, scheduling, pricing, creating courses… just to name a few. It literally has everything you need. If you feel you need to see more information on the courses simply email
But breathe easy, there will not be anything you need that you don’t get here!
Are there other payment options?
If you are experiencing financial hardship we can offer you access to the Million Dollar Path membership for $333/ month for the year. It does not include Mandy’s live coaching or live courses but we are happy to offer this to you. You can upgrade anytime!
Email if you would like to know more about that.
When I saw Mandy was offering a crazy amazing deal to be in her LIVE energy every week in Le Million that includes access to 30 of her courses, I felt like I hit the lottery!
In one month I’ve had my most successful month yet in the 4 years I’ve had my online business and it was way easier than I thought! I feel like I finally have access to the missing pieces for success!)
I can’t say enough good about this course!!
All I can say is WOW!!!!!
Within just a few weeks of working with her in Le Million, I made such massive moves in my life/business that I became one of Mandy’s DIAMOND MASTERMIND clients and hit my first 5-figure month!!!!! This has been my dream for 3 years!!!!!
The amount of value in Le Million has helped me beyond what I imagined. All the programs I have drooled over for the last 3 years are literally at my fingertips!
The value that she is offering still kinda blows my mind, if I am honest. She is literally showing you how she went from welfare to a million-dollar company!!!!
If you are struggling to push into full time coaching or are at a stuck point in your business, I can’t even begin to tell you how this could change your world!
I had to ask myself if I was worthy…
Worth of those tugs and pulls that won’t go away!
Joining the Le Million and listening to the programs has not only opened my eyes, but now I am walking through what I haven’t been able too!!!!
Walking through the hard choices and decisions and finding ease.
Choosing who I want to surround myself with and what I will or will not tolerate
I’m learning everything that I wanted to learn and I’m so grateful!
– I show up
– I respond to the call
– I do it until
This is gold!!!! Leaning into the next idea with all your heart and seeing it through. ????❤️
I feel like I’ve had a series of MASSIVE transformations. It is year end, I’m in ACA, BEING, and looking at how I want to show up in my business, and my life. All of these downloads have come over this full moon, In all of this flurry I’m SO grateful to be alive BEING full me and my authentic self, creating what brings me joy! #Hallelujah #feelssogood #watchmegrow #hello2022
I also know that I can confidently tap in to my own incredible energy in my own ways as well! So Magical Mandy is like ghee and cinnamon to my moong bean soup. She’s the extra special soul food adding to what’s already fantastic! Mandy, Thank you for your relentless commitment to showing up through all of life’s curveballs and being all of you! It changes lives!
I wanted to share what I wrote in my gratitude for your training yesterday, Mandy. Your mentorship has meant the world to me and my progression as Soul in this life. Thank you for being so beautifully bold in your path and growth ~ it allows me to believe in the same for myself.
I have shed buckets of tears of gratitude this year for being in Le Million and taking my own bold steps to create the life and career I’ve always had in me and wanted and it’s finally beginning to bloom!!!
A very big part of this has been being able to see others upleveling. Thanks to everyone in there ~ so wonderful to no longer be trying to do it alone. I am incredibly inspired!
Mandy cuts right through all the bs and 20 minutes 1:1 call will blow your brains on what you ever thought possible for your life, relationships and business. Plus access to every training lets you put her in your ear every single day so you just keep shifting and shifting exponentially. All of a sudden you are who you need to be, all you desire to be and do.
This woman is the real deal and if you know you want Mandy as your coach I would say 100% don’t be afraid to jump before you feel ready because she got your back and she will call you to more so intensely with her words, her eyes, her heart and her whole energy. If you come willing you will never be the same again, your life and biz will never be the same again.
3 months ago I was in the thick of PPA and wondering if I’d ever have the capacity for my life let alone start my biz again. Mandy was the voice of awakening for me and I integrated rapidly because of her teaching style. I launched my biz again, turned my marriage around again and got intimately reacquainted with myself and my Sacred Sexy work for the first time since becoming a mama 2 years ago. I am fully awake and alive and so grateful for the day Mandy’s posts started coming into my life.
Since I joined Mandy Perry I have been able to fully understand and embody lessons I had learned before but kept forgetting or hadn’t fully grasped.
The result is letting go of some deeply entangled nasty habits and beliefs, more consistency, clarity and commitment to everything in my life which is resulting in more amazingness coming from me! More clients, higher rates, incredible results for my clients, and a big picture vision that is so aligned and expansive.
Life is AMAZING!! Love my group sisters and Mandy’s incredible loving presence and big world impact. Let’s be our soul selves and light up the world with limitless possibilities and inspiration!!
We have gone through major transitions in our family while I’ve been mentoring with Mandy for my business.
Just recently my husband said to a friend, “She has actually THRIVED through this stressful process (of building her business).”
I have also launched my first group program, doubled my email list, honed my copy, and run my first retreat, convention booths and workshops this year!!!
Mandy Perry You are the most incredible Coach. Investing in this work has transformed my life in ALL areas… from business, to personal, to emotional and physical. It’s like one stop shopping.
Together we all rise, and Sister ALL of the humans who are in your world are some of the greatest humans to ever walk the planet.
Gah, doing life with you is extraordinary and I would never want anything else than exactly what you are, and what you bring…. because YOU Queen are extraordinary, and leading extraordinary humans. Loooove yooouuu!!!!
If you want to hang out with amazing people, have fun, tap into your magic, have a friend who is also a Guru at all she puts her mind to, then you should seriously consider Mandy.
I loved my time with her and look forward to our next life-enriching, galaxy-exploring, mind-blowing, soul-connecting time together.
Until then….may you have a beautiful, blessed day.
Thank you…
I just sat down for a morning cuppa and found myself clear as the sky in summer…
It’s the year I make it happen! I make it ALL happen! Whatever it takes! Until it takes! Regardless of where the path leads!
Thank you Mandy Perry for this group and for reminding me of this. Thank you universe and higher self for bringing me to this point. Thank you to those in this group. Thank you for this moment of clarity and certainty.
Want a shot of inspiration and motivation? Well let me tell you – follow and learn from Mandy Perry! She is just a phenomenal human being, who brings me back to remembering why I do what I do and inspires me via her journey! She reminds me that if she can do it, so can I.
I have watched her and have known her and have been lucky to be in her orbit and her life since 2017 and she is just amazing!!! She is sooooooo generous and kind and has the biggest heart!!!! I love love love her doing life together philosophy! It so resonates with me!!! Bring everybody along with you to grow and have the most epic amazing life!!! Um – yes please!!!!
She holds nothing back and gives you her all – literally!!! She provides so much value as a coach, mentor, friend, mother and human being! I am so grateful for you girl and I love you so very much!
My mind feels calm – the buzzing of “how” and “I don’t know” and “I’m not doing enough” has been replaced with “trust the process” and “be in alignment” and “I am crystal clear”.
I’m excited to wake up and enjoy my morning flow of getting into alignment, then asking myself “what power move am I prompted to do today?”
When I saw Mandy was offering a crazy amazing deal to be in her LIVE energy every week in Le Million that includes access to 30 of her courses, I felt like I hit the lottery!
In one month I’ve had my most successful month yet in the 4 years I’ve had my online business and it was way easier than I thought! I feel like I finally have access to the missing pieces for success!)
I can’t say enough good about this course!!
All I can say is WOW!!!!!
Within just a few weeks of working with her in Le Million, I made such massive moves in my life/business that I became one of Mandy’s DIAMOND MASTERMIND clients and hit my first 5-figure month!!!!! This has been my dream for 3 years!!!!!
The amount of value in Le Million has helped me beyond what I imagined. All the programs I have drooled over for the last 3 years are literally at my fingertips!
The value that she is offering still kinda blows my mind, if I am honest. She is literally showing you how she went from welfare to a million-dollar company!!!!
If you are struggling to push into full time coaching or are at a stuck point in your business, I can’t even begin to tell you how this could change your world!
I had to ask myself if I was worthy…
Worth of those tugs and pulls that won’t go away!
Joining the Le Million and listening to the programs has not only opened my eyes, but now I am walking through what I haven’t been able too!!!!
Walking through the hard choices and decisions and finding ease.
Choosing who I want to surround myself with and what I will or will not tolerate
I’m learning everything that I wanted to learn and I’m so grateful!
– I show up
– I respond to the call
– I do it until
This is gold!!!! Leaning into the next idea with all your heart and seeing it through. ????❤️
I feel like I’ve had a series of MASSIVE transformations. It is year end, I’m in ACA, BEING, and looking at how I want to show up in my business, and my life. All of these downloads have come over this full moon, In all of this flurry I’m SO grateful to be alive BEING full me and my authentic self, creating what brings me joy! #Hallelujah #feelssogood #watchmegrow #hello2022
I also know that I can confidently tap in to my own incredible energy in my own ways as well! So Magical Mandy is like ghee and cinnamon to my moong bean soup. She’s the extra special soul food adding to what’s already fantastic! Mandy, Thank you for your relentless commitment to showing up through all of life’s curveballs and being all of you! It changes lives!
I wanted to share what I wrote in my gratitude for your training yesterday, Mandy. Your mentorship has meant the world to me and my progression as Soul in this life. Thank you for being so beautifully bold in your path and growth ~ it allows me to believe in the same for myself.
I have shed buckets of tears of gratitude this year for being in Le Million and taking my own bold steps to create the life and career I’ve always had in me and wanted and it’s finally beginning to bloom!!!
A very big part of this has been being able to see others upleveling. Thanks to everyone in there ~ so wonderful to no longer be trying to do it alone. I am incredibly inspired!
Mandy cuts right through all the bs and 20 minutes 1:1 call will blow your brains on what you ever thought possible for your life, relationships and business. Plus access to every training lets you put her in your ear every single day so you just keep shifting and shifting exponentially. All of a sudden you are who you need to be, all you desire to be and do.
This woman is the real deal and if you know you want Mandy as your coach I would say 100% don’t be afraid to jump before you feel ready because she got your back and she will call you to more so intensely with her words, her eyes, her heart and her whole energy. If you come willing you will never be the same again, your life and biz will never be the same again.
3 months ago I was in the thick of PPA and wondering if I’d ever have the capacity for my life let alone start my biz again. Mandy was the voice of awakening for me and I integrated rapidly because of her teaching style. I launched my biz again, turned my marriage around again and got intimately reacquainted with myself and my Sacred Sexy work for the first time since becoming a mama 2 years ago. I am fully awake and alive and so grateful for the day Mandy’s posts started coming into my life.
Since I joined Mandy Perry I have been able to fully understand and embody lessons I had learned before but kept forgetting or hadn’t fully grasped.
The result is letting go of some deeply entangled nasty habits and beliefs, more consistency, clarity and commitment to everything in my life which is resulting in more amazingness coming from me! More clients, higher rates, incredible results for my clients, and a big picture vision that is so aligned and expansive.
Life is AMAZING!! Love my group sisters and Mandy’s incredible loving presence and big world impact. Let’s be our soul selves and light up the world with limitless possibilities and inspiration!!
We have gone through major transitions in our family while I’ve been mentoring with Mandy for my business.
Just recently my husband said to a friend, “She has actually THRIVED through this stressful process (of building her business).”
I have also launched my first group program, doubled my email list, honed my copy, and run my first retreat, convention booths and workshops this year!!!
Mandy Perry You are the most incredible Coach. Investing in this work has transformed my life in ALL areas… from business, to personal, to emotional and physical. It’s like one stop shopping.
Together we all rise, and Sister ALL of the humans who are in your world are some of the greatest humans to ever walk the planet.
Gah, doing life with you is extraordinary and I would never want anything else than exactly what you are, and what you bring…. because YOU Queen are extraordinary, and leading extraordinary humans. Loooove yooouuu!!!!
If you want to hang out with amazing people, have fun, tap into your magic, have a friend who is also a Guru at all she puts her mind to, then you should seriously consider Mandy.
I loved my time with her and look forward to our next life-enriching, galaxy-exploring, mind-blowing, soul-connecting time together.
Until then….may you have a beautiful, blessed day.
Thank you…
I just sat down for a morning cuppa and found myself clear as the sky in summer…
It’s the year I make it happen! I make it ALL happen! Whatever it takes! Until it takes! Regardless of where the path leads!
Thank you Mandy Perry for this group and for reminding me of this. Thank you universe and higher self for bringing me to this point. Thank you to those in this group. Thank you for this moment of clarity and certainty.
Want a shot of inspiration and motivation? Well let me tell you – follow and learn from Mandy Perry! She is just a phenomenal human being, who brings me back to remembering why I do what I do and inspires me via her journey! She reminds me that if she can do it, so can I.
I have watched her and have known her and have been lucky to be in her orbit and her life since 2017 and she is just amazing!!! She is sooooooo generous and kind and has the biggest heart!!!! I love love love her doing life together philosophy! It so resonates with me!!! Bring everybody along with you to grow and have the most epic amazing life!!! Um – yes please!!!!
She holds nothing back and gives you her all – literally!!! She provides so much value as a coach, mentor, friend, mother and human being! I am so grateful for you girl and I love you so very much!
My mind feels calm – the buzzing of “how” and “I don’t know” and “I’m not doing enough” has been replaced with “trust the process” and “be in alignment” and “I am crystal clear”.
I’m excited to wake up and enjoy my morning flow of getting into alignment, then asking myself “what power move am I prompted to do today?”
Mandy Perry Inc can not and does not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies.
You recognize and agree that we have made no implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you about future prospects or earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to your purchase of Mandy Perry Inc products, and that we have not authorized any such projection, promise, or representation by others. There are no guarantees of results or future earnings.
This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.