Don’t have time for God?

Don’t have time for God?

Imagine if when we feel financial stress…
When our kids have some suffering going on…
When we are overwhelmed or exhausted…
When we don’t know what to do…

Instead of numbing out on social.
Instead of overeating or drinking…
Instead of nagging and criticizing…
Instead of shutting down or taking frantic action…

WE SIMPLY sat still with God and let infinite Source pour out its endless love?

It’s a thing.
We all know it’s a thing.
We have all felt God’s LOVE.
We all know that it doesn’t ever leave… it’s endless… and it’s unconditional.

We know that God’s will is for us to PROSPER. For us to overflow with joy, health, wealth, freedom and love…
We know that the only way to BE a frequency is to calibrate to it. Which means exposure is required.
We know that every enlightened being that has ever been recorded in history teaching… has told us we must embrace stillness to connect with God.
We know that miracles happen when we change frequencies.

Yet we have a story that it is a waste of time. LOLOLOL
… I think that is all.

THRIVING never takes away from your kids, health or romantic partner…

THRIVING never takes away from your kids, health or romantic partner…

(you know it’s true that thriving never takes away from your kids, health or romantic partner, yet you are not experiencing it… why?)

I was taught this as I scaled my wealth and business… only I WASN’T fully experiencing it ongoing… and of course it did take away from these things…

But….. IT IS ACTUALLY true… Thriving DOES NOT take away from our health, wealth or time… so why was it still feeling like not every need was being met while I took the time, resources and space I needed to thrive?

That is very simple. lol

Because I was trusting ME to provide for them all, not God. IT IS TRUE. When I thrive I have so much more to give to everything and everyone around me…

But the BELIEF that I was solely responsible for everyone’s needs was causing me to have an experience of needs not being met.

Which creates a LIE.
The LIE is Thriving = sacrifice, depletion, or disconnection.


** The same power that created the stars and ocean is alive in me… and I am limitless in him. **
** When you are willing to receive thriving, the whole Universe conspires to bring you your good.**

Say it with me!!!!

I reject the lie that thriving equals sacrifice, depletion, or disconnection. That is not my story anymore. Thriving is my natural state. Thriving is not heavy – it is light, joyful, and free. Thriving does not take from me; it gives to me. When I thrive, I become more of who God created me to be. My health thrives because my body knows how to heal and regenerate. My relationships thrive because love flows naturally when I am aligned with my joy. My purpose work thrives because I am in tune with the abundance and guidance of the Divine.

Thriving isn’t hard; it’s effortless when I allow myself to be supported by God. It’s not something I need to force or figure out – it’s who I am. I am worthy of ease. I am worthy of overflow. I am worthy of having enough time, enough energy, enough money, and enough love. I am worthy of waking up every day in alignment with peace and power.

I no longer believe that thriving comes with a cost. Thriving is not a trade-off, it’s a flow. The more I pour into myself, the more I have to give to others. The more I prioritize my health, my joy, and my alignment, the better I am as a mother, as a partner, and as a guide in my purpose work. Taking care of myself is not selfish – it’s sacred.

Every time I choose to show up for myself, I show up for the people I love. Every time I move my body, nourish it with food, and honor its needs, I am creating a vessel for God to work through. Every time I step into my purpose, I’m aligning with the divine assignment on my life. And every time I allow myself to rest, to laugh, to experience joy, I am giving thanks for the gift of being alive.

I reject the overwhelm and the lie that it’s all too much. It’s not too much – it’s exactly what I was made for. God doesn’t give me more than I can handle. And He doesn’t ask me to do it all alone. I release the belief that I have to figure it all out, and I trust that everything is unfolding perfectly. I don’t need to push – I just need to receive.

Thriving is safe. Thriving is natural. Thriving is my birthright. I align with thriving in every area of my life. My health radiates vitality. My relationships are overflowing with love and connection. My work is an expression of my soul’s purpose. My finances flow with abundance, and I am free to enjoy my life fully.

Today, I choose thriving. I choose joy. I choose ease. I choose trust. I let go of every belief that says I need to sacrifice myself to have a good life. I am creating a life where it all gets to coexist – health, wealth, love, freedom, and spiritual alignment. This is the truth I live by now. Thriving is who I am. Thriving is how I show up. Thriving is how I lead. And it just keeps getting better.


“If I don’t do it, no one will…”

“If I don’t do it, no one will…”

No one else knows how to do it as good as you, as quickly and effectively as you… right?

So you always have to do it yourself… and there’s just not enough time in a day…

Oh my gosh! Even just saying these old words gives me a stomach ache… but I remember OH SO CLEARLY when life felt this way.

It’s all TOTAL CRAP.
And if you don’t have the courage to face that… it won’t change.

It’s crap. I know because I faced it and changed it in every single area of my life… thank gawddd.

It’s nothing more than a conditioned limitation you’ve wired in through scarcity and survival… from trauma.

Every belief is nothing more than something we’ve told ourselves over and over again.

You deserve life to feel as magical as IT IS.
You get to feel spaciousness, joy and awe & wonder… every day of your life… and you get to have a life that is designed to produce this joy… BUT YOU MUST CHOOSE IT.

Which means choosing beliefs and behaviors that create it.

Here is a new mantra: “I never have to do things more than 3 times.”

  1. I do it to master it myself.
  2. I do it to capture how to do it.
  3. I teach someone to do it.

But I don’t have the time! (No, you haven’t had the PATIENCE). And that’s because you haven’t seen the value of doing it. If I told you that you’d get $100k for doing it you’d all of a sudden have all the time and motivation needed. So it’s not ABSENT.

Forget for one second the RESULT and reward of being this intentional… and remember how it FEELS to be someone who does things with excellence.


Our work?
Stop. Breathe. Tell the whole truth about what’s not working and what needs to happen.

Remind ourselves that it feels so magical and epic to BE THE HUMAN Who does things with excellence… and keep breathing… lol…
and freekin do it.
The end.

When we show up at 100% life becomes VERY EFFORTLESS.
When we keep giving 60% and complaining and playing the victim life feels… like treading water.

So there’s no right or wrong.
There’s just a life that feels aligned and magical, and one that feels like crap.

Your choice.


Wealth desires & God desires: what’s the truth behind it all?

Wealth desires & God desires: what’s the truth behind it all?

Are our desires ego-driven shallowness????
Are they God’s guidance?
Am I meant to be led by them? To deny them????


“I trust my desires are right.”
We begin here. RIGHT HERE is where this adventure begins.

And I do… I truly trust my desires are RIGHT desires now… and it’s like a 1000 lb weight lifted off of me.

But of course God would activate a desire in me. What a perfectly brilliant way to communicate to us. No? What else would a loving Source itself use but the joy of the life force of desire to activate us humans?

But when I look back at some of my desires like looks and Chanel bags and other silly things… I question if I was off base with God’s will?

How could that be in alignment with God’s will? Shouldn’t I question my desires? Aren’t these some self-absorbed, superficial desires? Didn’t it mean I needed validation to some degree somewhere inside? Isn’t that OFF?

No. Not even close.
My desires were never wrong… I simply have outgrown myself again and again and again until old desires feel silly.

They weren’t silly at the time… they were PERFECT.
How do I know they were perfect?
Because they got me to the place where that part of my ego died and I no longer had any attachment to them… which then opened space to LOVE & serve even more.

I will never question my deep soul’s longings again. Never.
I will stop looking back feeling like I should have been THEN… the way I desire to be NOW.

How absurd.
As if we are all supposed to be in the exact same place of our journey all desiring the same thing. Lol

That’s literal nonsense.
It’s absurd even.

We sit around waiting for proof it’s what God wants us to do… yet the inkling to do so IS the answer. The desire to experience it IS the answer.

It’s already perfect.
And it doesn’t have to make sense to some arbitrary standard someone else in a different place has set.
Some societal standard.

If I had followed the societal standard of not caring about wealth and all the wealthy things… I’d NEVER have had the chance to outgrow the validation I needed to let go of the “welfare” Mandy.

I’d still feel like that stuff would make me more valuable. Buying $20k worth of Chanel bags was invaluable because they became as important to me as my favorite Walmart backpack.

That desire was EXACTLY perfect as only the Source of all life could know…

So we drop all absurd judgment of ourselves and others.

We stay out of the sacred place between a soul and its maker and we get still and hear our own deep yearnings, longings and promptings….
Superficial things awaken people all the time.
Deep powerful soul shifts knock people out of the game all the time.

We’re ridiculous with our petty judgments OF OURSELVES in this journey.

Say it with me:
I trust my desires.
I trust my longings.
I trust I am led in the perfect way with the perfect desires and longings.

I TRUST this process of trust.

I love you.
I know this takes heaps of courage… lucky for you… that’s no problem.

~ m

Claiming restoration

Claiming restoration

I declare that full RESTORATION in every area of my life is already done.

I do not beg, I do not plead, I do not hope…I KNOW.
I know it is done. I know everything that felt lost, delayed, or taken has already been restored to me, multiplied beyond what I could imagine. There is no room for doubt. I release the need to see it first, because I know that creation begins in the unseen, and it is already moving into form.

I am not separate from the Source that restores all things. The desires in my heart are not random – they are divine impulses, God’s way of showing me what is already mine. What I long for is already unfolding because my soul is aligned with God’s will. My restoration is not coming someday – it exists now. I stand in it, I breathe it in, I move as if it is here because it is here.

There is no lack. There is no limitation. There is no delay. What was taken is returned tenfold. What was broken is made whole. What was empty is now overflowing. Every cell in my body, every relationship in my life, every dream in my heart is being made new. The work is done, the path is clear, and I trust the process completely.

I do not dwell on what I see, because I know there is a greater reality moving through me and for me. I refuse to believe that any moment of my life was wasted – not one moment. Everything has been a preparation. Every challenge has refined me. Every delay has served me. Nothing was lost, and nothing can be lost because all of it is part of the restoration unfolding in perfect time.

I walk with boldness now. I walk with confidence. I walk as though it is already done, because it is. I am no longer bound by fear, hesitation, or overthinking. I refuse to entertain thoughts of “what if” or “too late” because those are illusions, and I live in truth. The truth is that I am already restored. The truth is that what I desire – healing, peace, joy, love, abundance – is already complete. It is here. It is done.

I feel it in my body. I feel it activates in my nervous system. My breath steadies as I declare: I am made new. I am restored. My life is overflowing with goodness in ways beyond what I can comprehend. My mind is clear, my spirit is strong, and my heart is full. I trust God’s timing, and I trust God’s plan because it has never failed me. Not once.

What I thought was lost has been found.
What I thought was delayed has been perfectly aligned.
What I thought was broken has been reborn into something far more beautiful than before.

I step forward in faith, knowing that restoration is already my reality. My health is restored. My purpose is restored. My family, my joy, my energy, my peace, my abundance – already restored.

There is no waiting.
I no longer question.
I no longer fight.
I declare it.
I receive it.
I live it.

It is done. And so it is.