“If I don’t do it, no one will…”

“If I don’t do it, no one will…”

No one else knows how to do it as good as you, as quickly and effectively as you… right?

So you always have to do it yourself… and there’s just not enough time in a day…

Oh my gosh! Even just saying these old words gives me a stomach ache… but I remember OH SO CLEARLY when life felt this way.

It’s all TOTAL CRAP.
And if you don’t have the courage to face that… it won’t change.

It’s crap. I know because I faced it and changed it in every single area of my life… thank gawddd.

It’s nothing more than a conditioned limitation you’ve wired in through scarcity and survival… from trauma.

Every belief is nothing more than something we’ve told ourselves over and over again.

You deserve life to feel as magical as IT IS.
You get to feel spaciousness, joy and awe & wonder… every day of your life… and you get to have a life that is designed to produce this joy… BUT YOU MUST CHOOSE IT.

Which means choosing beliefs and behaviors that create it.

Here is a new mantra: “I never have to do things more than 3 times.”

  1. I do it to master it myself.
  2. I do it to capture how to do it.
  3. I teach someone to do it.

But I don’t have the time! (No, you haven’t had the PATIENCE). And that’s because you haven’t seen the value of doing it. If I told you that you’d get $100k for doing it you’d all of a sudden have all the time and motivation needed. So it’s not ABSENT.

Forget for one second the RESULT and reward of being this intentional… and remember how it FEELS to be someone who does things with excellence.


Our work?
Stop. Breathe. Tell the whole truth about what’s not working and what needs to happen.

Remind ourselves that it feels so magical and epic to BE THE HUMAN Who does things with excellence… and keep breathing… lol…
and freekin do it.
The end.

When we show up at 100% life becomes VERY EFFORTLESS.
When we keep giving 60% and complaining and playing the victim life feels… like treading water.

So there’s no right or wrong.
There’s just a life that feels aligned and magical, and one that feels like crap.

Your choice.
