
I can’t believe I get to do this whole human thing…
I mean… what were the chances I’d be able to be born a human and do this?????

What an incredible gift!
I’m so blessed that I can’t even begin to comprehend it…

I choose to feel God’s love pouring through my veins.
I choose to feel the UNENDINGNESS of the LOVE… the countless ways I am loved… the extraordinary possibility of drawing nearer to this LOVE… ahhhh!

I see my children in their greatness and imagine God’s love and protection in and around every cell in their body.

I see my parents well and their souls soothed. I see all the possibility that lies before them.

I feel rest in my soul.
I feel ease in my steps.
I feel power in my words.
I feel awe and wonder at every live creature…

and I feel my soul’s yearning for oneness being fulfilled.

I feel the closeness of this force of love & I tap into it effortlessly.

I feel the oneness and it overwhelms me with awe.
I feel the vastness of this galaxy and I feel my energy expand to the farthest reaches of it all.

I feel grounded.
I feel stable.
I feel willfully led to the greatest good of all.

I love who I am.
I feel grateful to be ME.
I feel grateful for who I am becoming.

I love life.
I love doing life as me.
I love doing life with the people in my life.
I love doing life with God!

I remember what matters.
My priorities are in order.
I effortlessly release all that doesn’t belong.
But of course… how could I not?

I let go of the need to understand it all and act in faith.
I release all ties that I’ve outgrown… all behaviors that cannot come with me.

I breathe joyfully through any pain and tension that comes along and easily remember that it is just a sensation in my body and doesn’t mean anything at all.

I love this life!!
I love this journey… and all that comes with it.

Today I choose to enjoy this gift to its fullest no matter what sensations and thoughts come my way…

Today I choose to act in alignment with my highest self regardless of the pull to habitual behavior.

Today I let it be easy.
Today I let go of any story that it’s hard lol.

Today is the best day of my whole lifeeeeeeee!!
And so it is.

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Feeling unworthy and insignificant to God…

I have felt profound unworthiness every time I tried to feel God’s presence… and sit in meditation…
And to my surprise… I realized that UNWORTHINESS is nothing but ego.
It is simply more self-focus.
“I’m this. I did this. I didn’t accomplish that.” Yada yadda.
And each time I remind myself of this quote: “Instead of focusing on our flaws… focus on God’s Love.”

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Showing up from a place of LOVE

I thought I knew what showing up from a place of LOVE meant…
I thought I was doing it…
I thought that I was operating from a place of big LOVE.
I showed up every day of my life for 7 years giving everything I had to rescue those I love…
To have the money & power to help everyone in my world…

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Neater. More linear. Less messy.

I’ve always wished that I could be more graceful in my journey…
Neater. More linear. Less messy.
Less drastic changes.
And sometimes I really feel like something is wrong with me when I see my peers being the same. Same. Same. 10 years later… the same.
And… through this I’ve come to embrace the craziness as I realize that it is this way because I outgrow myself 100x a year.
Like most of you, I come from a long line of trauma.

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Dark night of the Soul

… where you feel disconnected, lost, and unsure of your path… a time when old beliefs and ways of being fall away, but the new hasn’t fully emerged yet…
My old friend lol.
This sacred space is so challenging… I fully understand why most of humanity avoids it… numbs it and stays attached so deeply to their current sets of beliefs…

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