Feeling unworthy and insignificant to God…

I have felt profound unworthiness every time I tried to feel God’s presence… and sit in meditation…

And to my surprise… I realized that UNWORTHINESS is nothing but ego.

It is simply more self-focus.
“I’m this. I did this. I didn’t accomplish that.” Yada yadda.

And each time I remind myself of this quote: “Instead of focusing on our flaws… focus on God’s Love.”

It’s simply the habit of focusing on ourselves instead of God.
As usual lol. #human

And this is the essential work of awakening/ salvation/ enlightenment…

To remember the illusion of maya.
The lie that we are separate from God…
The very real awful habit of focusing solely on our human experience and forgetting who we are.
WHAT we are.

Say it with me:
I focus solely on God’s love for all, and that includes me.
When I forget what I am, I instantly remember.
When unworthiness and self-hate start to creep up… I refocus on God and his grace.

I am nature, I was created by the word of God… just like the stars, the ocean and the birds… I am part of all the magic that exists. I am not separate.

I release the need to try to prove my worthiness and pacify my ego. I do not need to feel worthy to KNOW what I AM.

I accept the feelings and allow them to pass through me and transmute into love.

It is no problem because I REMEMBER that I am one with God, and God is pure bliss, Joy and LOVE.

Nothing else exists. ❤

With all my love,

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Showing up from a place of LOVE

I thought I knew what showing up from a place of LOVE meant…
I thought I was doing it…
I thought that I was operating from a place of big LOVE.
I showed up every day of my life for 7 years giving everything I had to rescue those I love…
To have the money & power to help everyone in my world…

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Neater. More linear. Less messy.

I’ve always wished that I could be more graceful in my journey…
Neater. More linear. Less messy.
Less drastic changes.
And sometimes I really feel like something is wrong with me when I see my peers being the same. Same. Same. 10 years later… the same.
And… through this I’ve come to embrace the craziness as I realize that it is this way because I outgrow myself 100x a year.
Like most of you, I come from a long line of trauma.

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I can’t believe I get to do this whole human thing…
I mean… what were the chances I’d be able to be born a human and do this?????
What an incredible gift!
I’m so blessed that I can’t even begin to comprehend it…
I choose to feel God’s love pouring through my veins.
I choose to feel the UNENDINGNESS of the LOVE… the countless ways I am loved… the extraordinary possibility of drawing nearer to this LOVE… ahhhh!

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Dark night of the Soul

… where you feel disconnected, lost, and unsure of your path… a time when old beliefs and ways of being fall away, but the new hasn’t fully emerged yet…
My old friend lol.
This sacred space is so challenging… I fully understand why most of humanity avoids it… numbs it and stays attached so deeply to their current sets of beliefs…

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