Letting go of the chase for awakening

I’ve recently had the most unnerving realization.
It’s one I’ve never ever heard anyone speak of… and it’s been a very strange feeling to navigate.

Through some extreme circumstances… I had 2 major spiritual awakenings. I didn’t know what was happening at the time but there is nothing else I know to call it but that.

And in these awakenings, I was also led to a spiritual practice that just keeps the floodgates open. I really could see the pathway to awakening. I could see the environment needed, the habits needed, and the incredible discipline needed. I could feel the call to let it allllllllll go. (You know what I mean ya?)

Eating sattvic helped.
Peace and quiet around me helped.
Stillness helped.

And I walked this path deeply for 2 years.
Until one moment it all changed.

I prayed often that God would remove anything that didn’t belong in my life that wasn’t his will… a scary prayer. But I meant it.

Maybe it would be money? Maybe Gregg? Maybe my free schedule? It was an open prayer and all was on the chopping block.

But I could have NEVER anticipated what came next.

It all of a sudden was the most obvious thing in the world lol.

I was asked to let go of the “awakening” search.
I was asked to eat meat again to ground.
I was asked to keep up with daily demands more powerfully.
I was asked to speak from the heart online again.
I was asked to “come back down to earth” and do everything with excellence.

I realized that figuring out how to awaken was great but that I don’t have a monk’s life… I have a lot of amazing people in my world who need me to be grounded, on point and strong… not flowing around in the ethers.

At first, I was sad. I thought it was so stupid lol.
Do all this to finally understand then let it go?! Whattttttt?!

And then a wave of love came over me.
I choose love. That’s all this is.
The lure of unending joy and no more suffering was loud. And in the seeking I found it more and more and more.

And now it’s time to serve fully and wholeheartedly again.

The blunt realization:
I’m a mother & a fiance in a world full of abuse and toxic people. I’m an initiator and an activator.

I can see the need for my grounded, overflowing presence which is different than my floating self.

I choose to actively love rather than chase the next levels of awakening.

And just like that, love wins and I realized there was no loss at all. That was the illusion.

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Manifesting a man to provide for me…

… and learning to allow myself to have BOTH, that and my own wealth…
So… I always held the frequency that I always make more money. The end… and so I did.
I held the frequency that I make it rapidly. Like makes-no-sense rapidly. And so I did. I went from my first month coaching making $4k to $40k the next month. I never did $10k months.

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6 insights to aligning MY will with GOD’S will…

Most of the time what I feel God is asking me to do feels ridiculous…
It’s just true.
My learned brain knows everything (according to itself lol) and always knows what’s best… except… that is of course, the complete ridiculousness when I stay conscious.
Quit this job and start your own business… come again? (I was a nanny)
Launch this course about power… (say what?)
Hire this coach who drives you insane… (really though?)
Stop. (what? Now? You realize how hard I worked to get here ya)
Be still. (Oh comeeee onnnnnnnn #adhd lol)

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Ego death & helping those you love

Recently I’ve been manifesting outgrowing the toxic parts of my ego… and man, I had no idea how incredibly liberating and painful that journey would be.
For those who have been following… you know I’ve been stuck on this quite for a of couple years now… “I did not come to teach you. I came to love you and love will teach you.”
Obviously as an online teacher and coach that stopped me right in my tracks… and has been a never-ending source of description to the world I lived in…
Then I got feedback from the family that I press too hard.

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Feeling unworthy and insignificant to God…

I have felt profound unworthiness every time I tried to feel God’s presence… and sit in meditation…
And to my surprise… I realized that UNWORTHINESS is nothing but ego.
It is simply more self-focus.
“I’m this. I did this. I didn’t accomplish that.” Yada yadda.
And each time I remind myself of this quote: “Instead of focusing on our flaws… focus on God’s Love.”

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Showing up from a place of LOVE

I thought I knew what showing up from a place of LOVE meant…
I thought I was doing it…
I thought that I was operating from a place of big LOVE.
I showed up every day of my life for 7 years giving everything I had to rescue those I love…
To have the money & power to help everyone in my world…

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Neater. More linear. Less messy.

I’ve always wished that I could be more graceful in my journey…
Neater. More linear. Less messy.
Less drastic changes.
And sometimes I really feel like something is wrong with me when I see my peers being the same. Same. Same. 10 years later… the same.
And… through this I’ve come to embrace the craziness as I realize that it is this way because I outgrow myself 100x a year.
Like most of you, I come from a long line of trauma.

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