THRIVING never takes away from your kids, health or romantic partner…

THRIVING never takes away from your kids, health or romantic partner…

(you know it’s true that thriving never takes away from your kids, health or romantic partner, yet you are not experiencing it… why?)

I was taught this as I scaled my wealth and business… only I WASN’T fully experiencing it ongoing… and of course it did take away from these things…

But….. IT IS ACTUALLY true… Thriving DOES NOT take away from our health, wealth or time… so why was it still feeling like not every need was being met while I took the time, resources and space I needed to thrive?

That is very simple. lol

Because I was trusting ME to provide for them all, not God. IT IS TRUE. When I thrive I have so much more to give to everything and everyone around me…

But the BELIEF that I was solely responsible for everyone’s needs was causing me to have an experience of needs not being met.

Which creates a LIE.
The LIE is Thriving = sacrifice, depletion, or disconnection.


** The same power that created the stars and ocean is alive in me… and I am limitless in him. **
** When you are willing to receive thriving, the whole Universe conspires to bring you your good.**

Say it with me!!!!

I reject the lie that thriving equals sacrifice, depletion, or disconnection. That is not my story anymore. Thriving is my natural state. Thriving is not heavy – it is light, joyful, and free. Thriving does not take from me; it gives to me. When I thrive, I become more of who God created me to be. My health thrives because my body knows how to heal and regenerate. My relationships thrive because love flows naturally when I am aligned with my joy. My purpose work thrives because I am in tune with the abundance and guidance of the Divine.

Thriving isn’t hard; it’s effortless when I allow myself to be supported by God. It’s not something I need to force or figure out – it’s who I am. I am worthy of ease. I am worthy of overflow. I am worthy of having enough time, enough energy, enough money, and enough love. I am worthy of waking up every day in alignment with peace and power.

I no longer believe that thriving comes with a cost. Thriving is not a trade-off, it’s a flow. The more I pour into myself, the more I have to give to others. The more I prioritize my health, my joy, and my alignment, the better I am as a mother, as a partner, and as a guide in my purpose work. Taking care of myself is not selfish – it’s sacred.

Every time I choose to show up for myself, I show up for the people I love. Every time I move my body, nourish it with food, and honor its needs, I am creating a vessel for God to work through. Every time I step into my purpose, I’m aligning with the divine assignment on my life. And every time I allow myself to rest, to laugh, to experience joy, I am giving thanks for the gift of being alive.

I reject the overwhelm and the lie that it’s all too much. It’s not too much – it’s exactly what I was made for. God doesn’t give me more than I can handle. And He doesn’t ask me to do it all alone. I release the belief that I have to figure it all out, and I trust that everything is unfolding perfectly. I don’t need to push – I just need to receive.

Thriving is safe. Thriving is natural. Thriving is my birthright. I align with thriving in every area of my life. My health radiates vitality. My relationships are overflowing with love and connection. My work is an expression of my soul’s purpose. My finances flow with abundance, and I am free to enjoy my life fully.

Today, I choose thriving. I choose joy. I choose ease. I choose trust. I let go of every belief that says I need to sacrifice myself to have a good life. I am creating a life where it all gets to coexist – health, wealth, love, freedom, and spiritual alignment. This is the truth I live by now. Thriving is who I am. Thriving is how I show up. Thriving is how I lead. And it just keeps getting better.


“If I don’t do it, no one will…”

“If I don’t do it, no one will…”

No one else knows how to do it as good as you, as quickly and effectively as you… right?

So you always have to do it yourself… and there’s just not enough time in a day…

Oh my gosh! Even just saying these old words gives me a stomach ache… but I remember OH SO CLEARLY when life felt this way.

It’s all TOTAL CRAP.
And if you don’t have the courage to face that… it won’t change.

It’s crap. I know because I faced it and changed it in every single area of my life… thank gawddd.

It’s nothing more than a conditioned limitation you’ve wired in through scarcity and survival… from trauma.

Every belief is nothing more than something we’ve told ourselves over and over again.

You deserve life to feel as magical as IT IS.
You get to feel spaciousness, joy and awe & wonder… every day of your life… and you get to have a life that is designed to produce this joy… BUT YOU MUST CHOOSE IT.

Which means choosing beliefs and behaviors that create it.

Here is a new mantra: “I never have to do things more than 3 times.”

  1. I do it to master it myself.
  2. I do it to capture how to do it.
  3. I teach someone to do it.

But I don’t have the time! (No, you haven’t had the PATIENCE). And that’s because you haven’t seen the value of doing it. If I told you that you’d get $100k for doing it you’d all of a sudden have all the time and motivation needed. So it’s not ABSENT.

Forget for one second the RESULT and reward of being this intentional… and remember how it FEELS to be someone who does things with excellence.


Our work?
Stop. Breathe. Tell the whole truth about what’s not working and what needs to happen.

Remind ourselves that it feels so magical and epic to BE THE HUMAN Who does things with excellence… and keep breathing… lol…
and freekin do it.
The end.

When we show up at 100% life becomes VERY EFFORTLESS.
When we keep giving 60% and complaining and playing the victim life feels… like treading water.

So there’s no right or wrong.
There’s just a life that feels aligned and magical, and one that feels like crap.

Your choice.


Longing to serve

Longing to serve

I long to serve with every ounce of my strength…

I yearn to LOVE in a way that is free of self-preference and self-preservation.

…. And that takes physical, emotional and spiritual strength.

It means eating well.
It means working out daily.
It means strong relentless boundaries with toxic people.
It means praying and protecting myself every morning before I pray for others.

… facing the toxic vanity culture we live in and choosing to not participate.

It means standing beside powerful, extraordinary humans and not comparing.

… choosing to train my children so we have a peaceful family life.
… keeping my commitments.
… and doing what I can now, today, this moment.

It means going the extra mile in my own home.
The extra mile taking care of myself…
My family.
My home.
My personal space.
And my partner.

It means shifting from trying to get everyone on my timeline and getting on theirs.
It means looking for opportunities to help.
It means seeing them in their greatness and endlessly reflecting it back to them.

No going into the fear.
No giving into the temptation that promises relief… and gives chaos.

It means to get still.
And obey.

It means remembering every waking second that my true strength comes from God… and doing my best to align my powerful WILL to God’s as I walk.

It means remembering that LOVE is the teacher, not me.
It’s remembering LOVE is a verb.
It’s remembering that being able to LOVE is an incredible honor and gift that brings deep joy in the end.

And every day I see myself strengthen in this new way just a little.
And a little bit more.
And a little bit more.

It’s a dream come true.

Manifesting a man to provide for me…

Manifesting a man to provide for me…

I’m learning to allow myself to have BOTH, the man who provides for me and my own wealth…

So… I always held the frequency that I always make more money. The end… and so I did.

I held the frequency that I make it rapidly. Like makes-no-sense rapidly. And so I did. I went from my first month coaching making $4k to $40k the next month. I never did $10k months.
And I simply kept increasing from there until I had an $82k DAY.

And this all made sense to me in my own little world. lol
I surrounded myself with others doing the same.

UNTIL… one day I found myself in a very painful and uncomfortable place… without recognizing what was happening.

I met Gregg and I had essentially lived the last year off of all the built-up payment plans… and it was now starting to decrease… $60k months… $50k… $40… $30…

And every time I went to go do my magic I just froze.
I didn’t want to.
The burst of endless energy wasn’t there.

And I remembered what my mama had taught me.
God gives you the grace to do what he asks you to do.
When it’s removed HE removed it.

Obviously, I had a major temper tantrum about this… I was so confused. “OK GOD… IF YOU AREN’T GOING TO PROVIDE FOR ME FINANCIALLY THEN WHAT?!”

I mean I was completely pissed!
HE ALWAYS provided for me. ALWAYS.

I’ll never forget Gregg coming alongside me asking me if he could help financially. I was horrified lol. Exactly ZERO part of me was ok with that. It was completely unfamiliar… and felt like a trap. One I wanted nothing to do with.

I don’t remember exactly but I’m sure I gave a very sharp reply at the time… and explained that that’s not how manifestation works and not how I work. LOL (omg this is a bit embarrassing to recount lol)

So 2-3 months later… same thing happening… $20k months… still no YES in my body to go manifest it. To go create it. NOTHING can interfere with manifesting $. NOTHING.

YET something clearly was. I was lost.


The second time he asked me I said yes while I bawled. He just held me. This man knew something I did not.

He knew what it was to PROVIDE for a woman.
He knew what it meant to HOLD her in his provisions.
He knew what it was to PROTECT her from her own self-sufficiency.

But I knew nothing of this.
It was so friggin unfamiliar to my entire system that I couldn’t see God was answering my prayers.

I could ONLY SEE the answer if it was something familiar.
If my business produces a shocking amount of money out of nowhere.
If checks came in the mail in the amounts of hundreds of thousands from the craziest stories.
Free things.

The only association I had with that was “trapped”… he will use it to gain power over me and manipulate me.

God was healing me and I was putting up the FIGHT OF MY LIFE. lol

And ONLY Source could have created such magic for Gregg and I.
Gregg had only known providing without being shown any gratitude for it and being taken advantage of through it.

I had only known someone wanting power over me or using me for my provisions.

And just like that… 1 mile away from each other… God brought us together and we began to heal.
He was asking me to BE PROVIDED for by a man with a pure heart who loves me.

And he was asking Gregg to provide for a woman who would endlessly appreciate his efforts… and would use the provisions to grow and heal rather than use them for superficial advancements.

Who would have thought that we COULD BOTH heal from this major change in both of our lives. I mean Gregg was already providing almost 6 figures for his CS and alimony. To take on this responsibility must have felt almost crippling. Yet he said yes to his guidance without pause. AND I REALLY MEAN WITHOUT PAUSE.

It has taken time for him to trust in GOD and not just himself to provide… and he’s still working on the energy of trust VS do… but that’s what MY ALLOWING HIM TO PROVIDE did FOR HIM. It brought him closer to God.

And that’s what me allowing him to provide for me did for me… it deeply and profoundly healed parts of me I never knew were broken.

And this lesson has changed me forever.

Because my BEST and brightest… most savvy thinking falls so insanely short of God’s brilliance. God’s never-ending LOVE that comes in the exact form needed… RIGHT ON TIME, always.

Deep inside I desired to feel like a valuable woman… who a loving and SAFE… powerful man wanted to take care of.

I would NEVER experience that while fighting to self-provide.
I needed the season of not being able to in order to break my stubbornness.

It always makes perfect sense looking back lol.
So today… I ask myself… what deep longing am I pretending doesn’t exist while I focus on getting the thing I think will make me feel how I want to feel?

I let go of every single thing I think I need and go within.
Who do I feel called to be?
How do I long to FEEL?

And then I say YES to however God wants to create that.
I feel utter relief at how much drama I will now avoid HAHAHAHA. And now I get to have BOTH. Ahhhh!

I love you.

6 insights to aligning MY will with GOD’S will…

6 insights to aligning MY will with GOD’S will…

Most of the time what I feel God is asking me to do feels ridiculous…

It’s just true.
My learned brain knows everything (according to itself lol) and always knows what’s best… except… that is of course, the complete ridiculousness when I stay conscious.

Quit this job and start your own business… come again? (I was a nanny)
Launch this course about power… (say what?)
Hire this coach who drives you insane… (really though?)
Stop. (what? Now? You realize how hard I worked to get here ya)
Be still. (Oh comeeee onnnnnnnn #adhd lol)

In the season I’ve been in for 2 years… I often sense God asking me to look at something directly with eyes wide open… no matter how much I want NOT to see it.

But on top of it I felt led to do nothing but be willing to face it. Face my own history. Face the abuse happening. Face the corruption in our country. Face the effects of not staying conscious in my own world…

And it’s been hard. Really freekin hard.
But it’s also been incredibly healing as I piece by piece accept that I am not the all-powerful fixer of this world lol. (woohoooo!)

In the manifestation spiritual world… we are. We are oh so powerful and here to change the world… And we are. We are the divine spark of GOD, infinitely connected.

Except… it’s a little baby awakening in our human race… and we’ve got a lot of spiritual growing to do.

As I finally learned to let go of all of the teachings and imprinting from the wealth and boss babe world… I could feel all of the questions I had asked along the way as the exact guidance I was asking of others… when I was meant to go within.

They didn’t have the answers as they were caught up in the “I want” manifestations… and in this world… we truly are SELF-FOCUSED. And we feel it. We feel something is not quite right with it… and we will continue to see an awakening of this over the coming years.

My heart is a bit sad that this is what we taught the younger women who now live for likes and the next million… but I also trust the process. Again and again, I must let go of what I think it should be and allow myself to be still and listen.

Sure, we are powerful. I can move mountains with my sheer will and have many times… but it’s all for nothing if we can’t be still and listen to the still voice inside. It’s all truly for vanity & ego if we won’t be led. And being led feels like peace.

So I sit this morning… hundreds of mornings… asking myself… Where have I gotten caught up in my own self?
In the stillness what do I hear? What do I feel led to?

1. If we aren’t getting still and silent we are definitely caught up in self. THE END. Zero exceptions.
(In meditation, I ask God to guide me. Rather than thinking through my question, I sit in silence and observe what feelings or insights arise. Answers from God often feel peaceful and clear, even if they’re subtle.)

2. I LET IT GO. Full surrender.
I can test my selfishness by choosing to let it go and tell God that if this is not Divine will I’m willing to surrender it. This includes relationships, desires, ideas, truths… everything.
“If this is Your will, let it come to pass. If not, I trust that something better is meant for me.”
When I resist this, and can’t fully mean it in my heart and soul… I know I’m in self.

3. Align my WILL with God’s will…
When I feel strongly about a direction, I ask if it uplifts me toward higher love, compassion, and service. If so, I use my willpower with the intention of serving as a channel for divine energy, making my actions an offering to God.
(This was very challenging until I learned that my INTENTION & awareness is what matters here.)

4. Trust Divine timing…
Yogananda said: “Those who are willing to surrender everything to God will find that He works for them in a much better way than they could plan for themselves.” I remind myself of this often… and I find it to be WILDLY TRUE. I’m fully aware of the chaos I create when I do things in my NOW timing… #notavailable

5. Use JOY & PEACE as markers for being on track…
ok ok ok… I feel this must be said… the MANIC HIGH of doing a bunch of impulsive things is NOT joy… lol. Joy is sustained. It is NOT circumstantial.
I know that true alignment with God’s will brings joy and peace. If a path or decision feels right, it comes with a sense of lightness and joy in my body, even if it’s challenging. VS paths driven by ego that bring anxiety, frustration, or conflict.
Before pursuing a goal, I check in with myself: “Does this choice bring inner joy, peace, and expansion, or does it cause inner conflict?” If it brings joy, it’s likely aligned with God’s will.

6. Make LOVE the center of every action:
This one is a life-long process eh?
The ultimate purpose of life is to love and serve God in all beings… So pursuits that center on LOVE, compassion, and selflessness are usually aligned with divine will. And we can check for that easily if we are truthful to ourselves.
Do my goals reflect love or service?
If my intentions uplift others and bring out my highest qualities, they are likely aligned with God’s will.

Say it with me:
“I am a vessel of divine love and purpose, guided by God’s wisdom in every step I take.”
“I release all attachment to outcomes, trusting fully in God’s perfect timing and plan for my life.”
“With each breath, I choose stillness & I align my will with God’s will, allowing divine consciousness to flow through me.”

Love, m