What to do if it feels like meditation is a waste of time?

What to do if it feels like meditation is a waste of time?

(What I learned from Mooji)

Meditation was ALWAYS a huge struggle for me.

Even now that I literally never have to work again if I don’t want to… I still feel a voice in me telling me I’m wasting time if I just be present with God in meditation.

This is VERY normal, lol. It is our brain’s job to just keep feeding thoughts… that ultimately distract us from our true self. It’s just not a problem.

Mooji said it brilliantly, “This ‘seemingly passive’ action generates tremendous power.”

He was referring to putting everything down. Your past, your questions, your needs, desires and fidgeting… and simply BE.
In this being… we are one with the God frequency… and we just BE with it… and eventually AS it.

“This ‘seemingly passive’ action generates tremendous power.”
This phrase has really helped me in my journey… the powerful fruits it bears are peace, JOY, love, harmony, wisdom… abundance…

“Just from sitting there Mandy?”
Well yes… but we aren’t just sitting there like when we watch tv… we are actively IDENTIFYING as the God frequency… which begins with letting EVERYTHING go.

And as we sit there AS AWARENESS… we become very conscious of the never-ending demands and distractions of the mind and body. Good lord. Sometimes I just tweak out like I am the brain and just rant 100 different demands 100 miles an hour just to acknowledge to myself that IT IS INSANE and that THAT CAN’T BE IT hahahahaha.

It gives me the courage to let go… of all of it.
My past, my ideas, my needs, my sense of time… my “How do I do this” feelings…

I let it ALL GO.
My brain then feeds… How How How?
And I laugh and recognize it. There’s Ego trying to stay alive and distract you from your POWER.

Your God frequency where ego can’t live.
So every time I can see it I feel waves of gratitude that I CAN SEE IT!
It’s a good thing! I’m awakening!
And then when I am done my brain shouts… Now what? Now what? Now what? LOL

To which I recognize is Ego, yet again. And I breathe… let it all go and keep walking.
…and that very part of us right now that goes… ya but then what??

That’s it. Right there lol. THAT’S EGO.

That’s what pulls us away from our true power.


Our true power lies in everything that is BEYOND that ranting.
And there is only ONE way to experience it. lol.
I love you!

I claim right now with you that our awareness of our true God frequency self is illuminated through grace in the perfect way!!

Don’t have time for God?

Don’t have time for God?

Imagine if when we feel financial stress…
When our kids have some suffering going on…
When we are overwhelmed or exhausted…
When we don’t know what to do…

Instead of numbing out on social.
Instead of overeating or drinking…
Instead of nagging and criticizing…
Instead of shutting down or taking frantic action…

WE SIMPLY sat still with God and let infinite Source pour out its endless love?

It’s a thing.
We all know it’s a thing.
We have all felt God’s LOVE.
We all know that it doesn’t ever leave… it’s endless… and it’s unconditional.

We know that God’s will is for us to PROSPER. For us to overflow with joy, health, wealth, freedom and love…
We know that the only way to BE a frequency is to calibrate to it. Which means exposure is required.
We know that every enlightened being that has ever been recorded in history teaching… has told us we must embrace stillness to connect with God.
We know that miracles happen when we change frequencies.

Yet we have a story that it is a waste of time. LOLOLOL
… I think that is all.

Protecting through self-sabotage in health????

Protecting through self-sabotage in health????

This morning I prayed for restoration in my health… and full exposing of all holding me back. I declared it as I woke up in pain from sitting yesterday creating all day.

I felt an even deeper birth of knowing that my words hold all the power needed to heal. Deeper and deeper we go into God’s power.

And just like that within the hour – all of a sudden I could see the mischief playing out. From the sexual assaults in my life to being drowned in the tub and men being obsessed with me… to being told harm should come to me so I would lose weight… full circle trauma.

I could all of a sudden see how I’d chosen to protect myself through making sure I wasn’t too desirable. How reconnecting with my body in a way of powerful self-care in this physical way felt like letting them all win.

Lies lies lies.
They currently still feel VERY true but I can see it plain as day, they’re not.

I cried and let it all out and started journaling…

> What am I afraid will happen if I focus on my health and body now?
> What would feel unsafe about embracing fitness consistently?
> What do I need to feel safe and loved as I take small steps forward?

I am reclaiming my rights to divine health after so many years of trauma.
I’m claiming my x7 back everything that was taken from me.

Say it with me:
I am done letting fear run the show. Fear has tried to protect me, but it’s been lying to me. It told me I wasn’t safe in my body, but that’s not true –
I am safe in my body. My body is my home. My body is mine. It’s not here for anyone else to judge, harm, or objectify.

Fear told me that if I let go, I’d lose myself, but I see now that holding onto fear has only kept me small. Letting go doesn’t make me weaker – it makes me stronger. I can release fear and still hold my power. I can let go of the lies and still stay safe.

I don’t need fear to protect me anymore. I have wisdom now. I have strength now. I have boundaries now. I trust myself to see clearly and to take care of myself.

Fear told me that focusing on my body would make me vain, shallow, or disconnected from God, but that’s a lie. My body is a sacred gift. It’s not separate from my spirit – it’s an expression of it. Taking care of my body doesn’t pull me away from my path – it helps me walk it with energy, strength, and joy.

Fear told me I couldn’t trust myself. That if I became too radiant, too alive, too magnetic, I’d lose control. But that’s not true either. My beauty, my radiance, my magnetism – they are MINE. They don’t make me vulnerable; they make me powerful. I am the one who decides who gets to access my energy, my light, my presence.

Fear told me that if I heal, if I let go, then the people who hurt me win. But I see now that holding onto pain doesn’t protect me – it chains me to the past. Letting go is not giving in. Letting go is freedom. Letting go is my way of saying, ‘You don’t get to control me anymore’.

I am safe. I am whole. I am free to move, to heal, to thrive. Fear doesn’t get to define me anymore. I define me. And I say that I am worthy of peace. I am worthy of energy. I am worthy of vitality. I am worthy of love.

I am not what happened to me. I am not what was said to me. I am not the lies fear tried to sell me. I am power. I am healing. I am everything I need to be right here, right now, and I am only getting stronger.


Claiming restoration

Claiming restoration

I declare that full RESTORATION in every area of my life is already done.

I do not beg, I do not plead, I do not hope…I KNOW.
I know it is done. I know everything that felt lost, delayed, or taken has already been restored to me, multiplied beyond what I could imagine. There is no room for doubt. I release the need to see it first, because I know that creation begins in the unseen, and it is already moving into form.

I am not separate from the Source that restores all things. The desires in my heart are not random – they are divine impulses, God’s way of showing me what is already mine. What I long for is already unfolding because my soul is aligned with God’s will. My restoration is not coming someday – it exists now. I stand in it, I breathe it in, I move as if it is here because it is here.

There is no lack. There is no limitation. There is no delay. What was taken is returned tenfold. What was broken is made whole. What was empty is now overflowing. Every cell in my body, every relationship in my life, every dream in my heart is being made new. The work is done, the path is clear, and I trust the process completely.

I do not dwell on what I see, because I know there is a greater reality moving through me and for me. I refuse to believe that any moment of my life was wasted – not one moment. Everything has been a preparation. Every challenge has refined me. Every delay has served me. Nothing was lost, and nothing can be lost because all of it is part of the restoration unfolding in perfect time.

I walk with boldness now. I walk with confidence. I walk as though it is already done, because it is. I am no longer bound by fear, hesitation, or overthinking. I refuse to entertain thoughts of “what if” or “too late” because those are illusions, and I live in truth. The truth is that I am already restored. The truth is that what I desire – healing, peace, joy, love, abundance – is already complete. It is here. It is done.

I feel it in my body. I feel it activates in my nervous system. My breath steadies as I declare: I am made new. I am restored. My life is overflowing with goodness in ways beyond what I can comprehend. My mind is clear, my spirit is strong, and my heart is full. I trust God’s timing, and I trust God’s plan because it has never failed me. Not once.

What I thought was lost has been found.
What I thought was delayed has been perfectly aligned.
What I thought was broken has been reborn into something far more beautiful than before.

I step forward in faith, knowing that restoration is already my reality. My health is restored. My purpose is restored. My family, my joy, my energy, my peace, my abundance – already restored.

There is no waiting.
I no longer question.
I no longer fight.
I declare it.
I receive it.
I live it.

It is done. And so it is.

Freedom in grieving

Freedom in grieving

Sometimes I just grieve.
Grieve the broken families.
The kids suffering.
The loss of innocence in our culture.
I feel it so deep in my bones…

And I let myself feel it all and cry, ache and break.

And I feel the deepest yearning I’ve ever felt inside… wishing I could create a safe space for everyone… an INNOCENT place for everyone.

And I wonder… what’s the point of this?
And I’ve spent many years sitting with this and studying those who have found peace with it all.

And yesterday in my yearning I realized….
>mind blown<

The enlightened masters did just that.
They either created a massive awakening or a safe place of innocence and peace! (or both)

I now understand where that drive came from… and then I feel so soooo inadequate. So small. So clueless.

And I know I’m not the only one daydreaming of taking their kids to the country where they can run the land and connect with God away from tiktoc and all the insanity imprinting.

But THIS place right here… this is it.
THIS is the place where we decide.
This is where we sub come to the pain and desperation or we decide we’re going to bring God’s light in our own mind and energy field, in our home, in our relationships and in the world.

And there are no prerequisites.
There are no disqualifications.

Every single thought I think that causes me to feel that desperation is a lie from evil. Our own ego, maya or the satanic force, and the collective influence that has grown.

I either opt in or I do not.
I can grieve and acknowledge I have a story that it should all be different, more innocent and whole… and I can feel my feelings and remind myself of the truth.

And “the truth shall set you free”
Which means…….. I find the truth by finding what thoughts bring FREEDOM. NOT THE REVERSE.

I don’t have to go find freedom.

And everything else is just mischief.
So… today I will allow myself to grieve and tell myself the truth about what lies I’ve been buying into… and face it all….

I feel.
I tell the whole truth.
I acknowledge the BS that feels like confusion and death.
I then decide…
and it is my decision alone to wallow and believe it’s all too much, too horrible and too big… I can believe the thoughts…

OR I CAN ACKNOWLEDGE FREEDOM… by telling a deeper truth that only my spirit can feel. My SOUL directs my brain… not the other way around.

There’s zero scenario where my brain is smarter and gets it all better than SOURCE. lol

So…. I choose freedom.

And I’ll never stop rewiring my brain to get on board.
I’ll never stop facing the lies and calling them out.
I’ll never stop reaching for freedom, life and like-minded humans that are here to do God’s work.

And I’ll never ever, EVER believe the lie that I can’t make a difference through God’s power.

Say it with me:
“I’m here to be a reflection of God’s love and there’s zero chance my brain will ever stop me. I now declare and decree perfect alignment with my original design! Thank you God for molding me to be a perfect reflection of you in every area of my life… no matter what it takes.”

And so it is.