THRIVING never takes away from your kids, health or romantic partner…
(you know it’s true that thriving never takes away from your kids, health or romantic partner, yet you are not experiencing it… why?)
I was taught this as I scaled my wealth and business… only I WASN’T fully experiencing it ongoing… and of course it did take away from these things…
But….. IT IS ACTUALLY true… Thriving DOES NOT take away from our health, wealth or time… so why was it still feeling like not every need was being met while I took the time, resources and space I needed to thrive?
That is very simple. lol
Because I was trusting ME to provide for them all, not God. IT IS TRUE. When I thrive I have so much more to give to everything and everyone around me…
But the BELIEF that I was solely responsible for everyone’s needs was causing me to have an experience of needs not being met.
Which creates a LIE.
The LIE is Thriving = sacrifice, depletion, or disconnection.
** The same power that created the stars and ocean is alive in me… and I am limitless in him. **
** When you are willing to receive thriving, the whole Universe conspires to bring you your good.**
Say it with me!!!!
I reject the lie that thriving equals sacrifice, depletion, or disconnection. That is not my story anymore. Thriving is my natural state. Thriving is not heavy – it is light, joyful, and free. Thriving does not take from me; it gives to me. When I thrive, I become more of who God created me to be. My health thrives because my body knows how to heal and regenerate. My relationships thrive because love flows naturally when I am aligned with my joy. My purpose work thrives because I am in tune with the abundance and guidance of the Divine.
Thriving isn’t hard; it’s effortless when I allow myself to be supported by God. It’s not something I need to force or figure out – it’s who I am. I am worthy of ease. I am worthy of overflow. I am worthy of having enough time, enough energy, enough money, and enough love. I am worthy of waking up every day in alignment with peace and power.
I no longer believe that thriving comes with a cost. Thriving is not a trade-off, it’s a flow. The more I pour into myself, the more I have to give to others. The more I prioritize my health, my joy, and my alignment, the better I am as a mother, as a partner, and as a guide in my purpose work. Taking care of myself is not selfish – it’s sacred.
Every time I choose to show up for myself, I show up for the people I love. Every time I move my body, nourish it with food, and honor its needs, I am creating a vessel for God to work through. Every time I step into my purpose, I’m aligning with the divine assignment on my life. And every time I allow myself to rest, to laugh, to experience joy, I am giving thanks for the gift of being alive.
I reject the overwhelm and the lie that it’s all too much. It’s not too much – it’s exactly what I was made for. God doesn’t give me more than I can handle. And He doesn’t ask me to do it all alone. I release the belief that I have to figure it all out, and I trust that everything is unfolding perfectly. I don’t need to push – I just need to receive.
Thriving is safe. Thriving is natural. Thriving is my birthright. I align with thriving in every area of my life. My health radiates vitality. My relationships are overflowing with love and connection. My work is an expression of my soul’s purpose. My finances flow with abundance, and I am free to enjoy my life fully.
Today, I choose thriving. I choose joy. I choose ease. I choose trust. I let go of every belief that says I need to sacrifice myself to have a good life. I am creating a life where it all gets to coexist – health, wealth, love, freedom, and spiritual alignment. This is the truth I live by now. Thriving is who I am. Thriving is how I show up. Thriving is how I lead. And it just keeps getting better.