6 insights to aligning MY will with GOD’S will…

6 insights to aligning MY will with GOD’S will…

Most of the time what I feel God is asking me to do feels ridiculous…

It’s just true.
My learned brain knows everything (according to itself lol) and always knows what’s best… except… that is of course, the complete ridiculousness when I stay conscious.

Quit this job and start your own business… come again? (I was a nanny)
Launch this course about power… (say what?)
Hire this coach who drives you insane… (really though?)
Stop. (what? Now? You realize how hard I worked to get here ya)
Be still. (Oh comeeee onnnnnnnn #adhd lol)

In the season I’ve been in for 2 years… I often sense God asking me to look at something directly with eyes wide open… no matter how much I want NOT to see it.

But on top of it I felt led to do nothing but be willing to face it. Face my own history. Face the abuse happening. Face the corruption in our country. Face the effects of not staying conscious in my own world…

And it’s been hard. Really freekin hard.
But it’s also been incredibly healing as I piece by piece accept that I am not the all-powerful fixer of this world lol. (woohoooo!)

In the manifestation spiritual world… we are. We are oh so powerful and here to change the world… And we are. We are the divine spark of GOD, infinitely connected.

Except… it’s a little baby awakening in our human race… and we’ve got a lot of spiritual growing to do.

As I finally learned to let go of all of the teachings and imprinting from the wealth and boss babe world… I could feel all of the questions I had asked along the way as the exact guidance I was asking of others… when I was meant to go within.

They didn’t have the answers as they were caught up in the “I want” manifestations… and in this world… we truly are SELF-FOCUSED. And we feel it. We feel something is not quite right with it… and we will continue to see an awakening of this over the coming years.

My heart is a bit sad that this is what we taught the younger women who now live for likes and the next million… but I also trust the process. Again and again, I must let go of what I think it should be and allow myself to be still and listen.

Sure, we are powerful. I can move mountains with my sheer will and have many times… but it’s all for nothing if we can’t be still and listen to the still voice inside. It’s all truly for vanity & ego if we won’t be led. And being led feels like peace.

So I sit this morning… hundreds of mornings… asking myself… Where have I gotten caught up in my own self?
In the stillness what do I hear? What do I feel led to?

1. If we aren’t getting still and silent we are definitely caught up in self. THE END. Zero exceptions.
(In meditation, I ask God to guide me. Rather than thinking through my question, I sit in silence and observe what feelings or insights arise. Answers from God often feel peaceful and clear, even if they’re subtle.)

2. I LET IT GO. Full surrender.
I can test my selfishness by choosing to let it go and tell God that if this is not Divine will I’m willing to surrender it. This includes relationships, desires, ideas, truths… everything.
“If this is Your will, let it come to pass. If not, I trust that something better is meant for me.”
When I resist this, and can’t fully mean it in my heart and soul… I know I’m in self.

3. Align my WILL with God’s will…
When I feel strongly about a direction, I ask if it uplifts me toward higher love, compassion, and service. If so, I use my willpower with the intention of serving as a channel for divine energy, making my actions an offering to God.
(This was very challenging until I learned that my INTENTION & awareness is what matters here.)

4. Trust Divine timing…
Yogananda said: “Those who are willing to surrender everything to God will find that He works for them in a much better way than they could plan for themselves.” I remind myself of this often… and I find it to be WILDLY TRUE. I’m fully aware of the chaos I create when I do things in my NOW timing… #notavailable

5. Use JOY & PEACE as markers for being on track…
ok ok ok… I feel this must be said… the MANIC HIGH of doing a bunch of impulsive things is NOT joy… lol. Joy is sustained. It is NOT circumstantial.
I know that true alignment with God’s will brings joy and peace. If a path or decision feels right, it comes with a sense of lightness and joy in my body, even if it’s challenging. VS paths driven by ego that bring anxiety, frustration, or conflict.
Before pursuing a goal, I check in with myself: “Does this choice bring inner joy, peace, and expansion, or does it cause inner conflict?” If it brings joy, it’s likely aligned with God’s will.

6. Make LOVE the center of every action:
This one is a life-long process eh?
The ultimate purpose of life is to love and serve God in all beings… So pursuits that center on LOVE, compassion, and selflessness are usually aligned with divine will. And we can check for that easily if we are truthful to ourselves.
Do my goals reflect love or service?
If my intentions uplift others and bring out my highest qualities, they are likely aligned with God’s will.

Say it with me:
“I am a vessel of divine love and purpose, guided by God’s wisdom in every step I take.”
“I release all attachment to outcomes, trusting fully in God’s perfect timing and plan for my life.”
“With each breath, I choose stillness & I align my will with God’s will, allowing divine consciousness to flow through me.”

Love, m

Feeling unworthy and insignificant to God…

Feeling unworthy and insignificant to God…

I have felt profound unworthiness every time I tried to feel God’s presence… and sit in meditation…

And to my surprise… I realized that UNWORTHINESS is nothing but ego.

It is simply more self-focus.
“I’m this. I did this. I didn’t accomplish that.” Yada yadda.

And each time I remind myself of this quote: “Instead of focusing on our flaws… focus on God’s Love.”

It’s simply the habit of focusing on ourselves instead of God.
As usual lol. #human

And this is the essential work of awakening/ salvation/ enlightenment…

To remember the illusion of maya.
The lie that we are separate from God…
The very real awful habit of focusing solely on our human experience and forgetting who we are.
WHAT we are.

Say it with me:
I focus solely on God’s love for all, and that includes me.
When I forget what I am, I instantly remember.
When unworthiness and self-hate start to creep up… I refocus on God and his grace.

I am nature, I was created by the word of God… just like the stars, the ocean and the birds… I am part of all the magic that exists. I am not separate.

I release the need to try to prove my worthiness and pacify my ego. I do not need to feel worthy to KNOW what I AM.

I accept the feelings and allow them to pass through me and transmute into love.

It is no problem because I REMEMBER that I am one with God, and God is pure bliss, Joy and LOVE.

Nothing else exists. ❤

With all my love,